local departure times
For wider but less detailed info see the University travel portal.
These links show information on upcoming departures, not full timetables.
Buses from Campus:
Buses from Warwick Road bridge by Coventry Station:
Trains from:
- Coventry Station (connect via no 12 bus towards Coventry above)
- Canley Station (nearest station but - 40 years on - still no bus connection from Campus)
Feedback: Travel Coventry invite both complaints and compliments online. Link to full contact details.
Important notes.
Train information is real time.
Bus information is a mix of real time (RT) and timetable (TT), as displayed at the Arts Centre bus stops.
Through buses serve other Campus stops slightly earlier.
For buses starting from Campus, all bets are off about timing at other stops and they are NOT shown on the real time display at the Sports Centre bus stop.
Note that early evening buses no. 12 towards Coventry are prone to being full when they reach the Arts Centre, and more so passing Westwood stops. From Campus, use the Sports Centre or even Gatehouse bus stops instead. From Westwood it is quite a walk across to Campus Gatehouse for bus 12 or towards town for bus 19.
For timetable and other travel information try the University travel portal.