Invited Speakers
Invited Speakers by Tracks:
- Policy, Planning & Infrastructure
Policymaking; Urban Planning; Internet; Transport & Power Networks; Medical & Health Systems.
Michael Batty (University College London)
- Collective Human Behaviour and Society
Economics & Finance; Sociology; Psychology; Game Theory.
Dirk Helbing (ETH Zürich)
Nigel Gilbert (Surrey)
- Interacting Populations and Environment
Climate Change; Pollution; Demography; Ecology; Epidemiology.
Peter Cox (Exeter) - Public Session
- Complexity and Computer Science
Robotics; Grids, Clouds & Novel Computing; Ubiquitous Computing.
David Hales (Delft University of Technology) - Invited main talk
Title: BitTorrent - from swarms to collectives
Jürgen Jost, Eckehard Olbrich, Nils Bertschinger (Max Planck Institute) - Invited long talk
Title: Can Robots Communicate?
Gábor Terstyánszky (University of Westminster) - Invited long talk
Title: Creating Complex Systems by Integrating Desktop and Service Grids
Sabrine Hauert (EPFL) - Invited long talk
Title: Swarms of Flying Robots for Communication Networks
Michele Sebag (INRIA, Saclay) - Invited long talk
Title: Learning in swarms
Katalin Lazar (Eotvos Lorand University) - Invited short talk
Title: A formal Language Theoretic Approach to Distributed Computing on Dynamic Networks
Marti Sanchez (Pompeu Fabra University) - Invited long talk
Title: An allostatic control model for robot behavior regulation
Tony Prescott (University of Sheffield) - Invited long talk
Title: Feeling it. Exploring brain complexity through active touch in animals and robots
Ben Paechter's Group - Invited short talk
Title: Ubiquitous computing and PerAda
- From Molecules to Living Systems
Self-assembly & Self-organisation; Neuroscience; Cell, Developmental and Systems Biology; Genetics; Medicine & Physiology.
Helen Byrne (Nottingham)
- Mathematics and Simulation
Mathematics; Modelling; Simulation; Theoretical Physics.
Peter Deuflhard (Zuse Institute Berlin, ZIB)
Robert MacKay (Warwick)
Public Session on Global Problems:
Monday, 21 September 2009
19:30 - 21:30
Warwick Arts Centre Theatre