CO905 Stochastic models of complex systems
Online Course Materials (2013)
Lecturer: Stefan Grosskinsky
Lectures: Thu 10-11 and Fri 10-12 in D1.07
Classes: Thu 16-17 in D1.07
VIVAS on Firday 15.3. in D1.07, viva schedule, viva topics
- NEWpreliminary complete version of the notes: notes_co905_13.pdf
- Last year's course notes: notes_co905_12.pdf
See here for all of last year's online materials. - For students with a good knowledge in probability the notes of the course MA4H3 have useful background material on stochastic particle systems.
Changes/Related Events
- 15.3. Vivas 9-4pm, see schedule above
- On Thursday 14.3.: Revision lecture 10-11, no class in the afternoon
- Class at 4pm on Thursday 21.2. is cancelled due to the miniproject fair in Complexity
- First lecture on Thu 10.01.2013
- Last lecture Thursday 14.3. at 10 (revision)
Vivas are Friday 15.3.
Problem Sheets
- NEW part in Q3.3.c)sheet3: Moran model, Kingman's coalescent, exclusion process
- sheet2: Birth-death processes, contact process
- sheet1: Generators/eigenvalues, branching processes, random walks
- handout5: Connection between stochastic particle systems and PDEs (done for TASEP and Burgers equation)
- handout4: Proof of Thm 3.6 (non-examinable)
- handout3: Characteristic function, Gaussians, LLN, CLT
- handout2: Poisson process, random sequential update, exponentials
- handout1: Generating functions, branching processes
Matlab and C stuff
- NEWBasic C code traffic.c and Matlab file traffic.m for the TASEP (Q3.3), to be adapted.
This compiles with gcc traffic.c on a CSC machine, try gcc -O5 traffic.c to speed it up in case it runs too slow.
If you want to compile on your own machine, you might have to adapt the random number generator, e.g. replace lrand48() by rand() and srand48(seed) by srand(seed). But note that rand() is typically 'too bad', so to get good results you should run the code with 48 on a CSC machine, or copy the Mersenne Twister from the code for the contact process.
- Basic C code traffic_q23.c for Q3.3.c) Visualize output e.g. with Matlab using imagesc. Note that this code uses OPEN boundary conditions.
- Simple C program for the contact process using the Mersenne Twister:
You should have all files in the same directory. If initializing with system time does not work use your own favourite integer.
- You can find a list with CSC machines here, where you can run QUICK programmes ONLY, without submitting to the COW.
to compile on command line: gcc -lm -O9 contact_mt.c
- Wikibooks on Matlab and C_Programming
- Some links to Mersenne Twister:
Suggested Books
- Gardiner: Handbook of Stochastic Methods (Springer).
- Grimmett, Stirzaker: Probability and Random Processes (Oxford).
- Grimmett: Probability on Graphs (CUP). (available online here)
- Mendez, Fedotov, Horsthemke: Reaction-Transport Systems, Springer 2010.
Additional Literature
- A.B. Kolomeisky et al: Phase diagram of one-dimensional driven lattice gases with open boundaries, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 31 6911 (1998)
- tutorials on the Ising model, including Monte Carlo simulation methods:,
- on MC methods without detailed balance: H. Suwa, S. Todo: Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method without Detailed balance, PRL 105, 120603 (2010)
review: M. Bachmann: Monte Carlo simulations, Lecture Notes of the 42nd IFF Spring School Macromolecular Systems in Soft and Living Matter, Forschungszentrum Juelich - M.T. Araujo, E. Drigo Filho: A General Solution of the Fokker-Planck Equation, JSP 146(3), 610-619 (2012)610-619 (2012)
- N. Goldenfeld, C. Woese: Life is physics: evolution as a collective phenomenon far from equilibrium, Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 2, 375-399 (2011)
- R.A. Blythe: Ordering in voter models on networks: exact reduction to a single-coordinate diffusion, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 385003 (2010)
- R.A. Blythe, A.J. McKane: Stochastic Models of Evolution in Genetics, Ecology and Linguistics, J. Stat. Mech.: Theor. Exp. (2007) P07018
Frank Kelly: The Mathematics of Traffic in Networks