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Complexity DTC miniproject proposals 2010/11

Project ID Supervisor Department Co-supervisor Project title Availability Prospective PhD Reserved
1x Leon Danon Biological Sciences Prof. Matt Keeling (Mathematics) Inferring social contacts relevant for disease transmission from mobile phone call data records period 1 or period 2 Yes available
2x Leon Danon Biological Sciences Prof. Matt Keeling (Mathematics) Peer-driven intervention for infectious diseases period 1 or period 2 Yes available
3 Nasir Rajpoot Computer Science Anne Straube (Warwick Medical School) Modelling the Migration Phenomena of Cells period 1 or period 2 Yes available
4 Nasir Rajpoot Computer Science Mike Khan (Biological Sciences) Preliminary Protein Network Analysis in TIS Images of Colon Cancer period 1 or period 2 Yes available
5 Nasir Rajpoot Computer Science Anne Straube (Warwick Medical School) Shape Manifolds for Modelling Cells Undergoing Migration period 1 or period 2 Yes available
6 Abhir Bhalerao Computer Science Elke Thonnes (Statistics) Miniproject outline: GPU accelerated calculation of Minkowski functionals from volumetric data period 1 or period 2 Yes available
7x Dr Nathan Griffiths Computer Science Dr Sarabjot Singh Anand (Computer Science) Tag-Based Cooperation in Dynamic Networks period 2 only Yes Erasmo Batta/
available for one more student
8 Prof Evor Hines Engineering Prof Liz Dowler (Other) Food Security: An Intelligent Systems Approach period 1 or period 2 Yes available
9 Prof Evor Hines Engineering Dr Shibu Raman (Other) Achieving Sustainable Urban Form for Rapidly Growing Cities: An Intelligent Systems Approach in period 1 only Yes available
10 Daciana Iliescu Engineering Prof Evor Hines (Engineering) Improving the Modelling of the Shape of Knee- An Intelligent System based approach period 2 only Yes available
11 Prof Evor Hines Engineering Prof Hutchinson (Other) Improving the diagnostic performance non-radiology trained clinicians when diagnosing Aging Elbows: An Intelligent System based approach period 1 only Yes available
12 Prof Evor Hines Engineering Prof Jihong Wang (Engineering) Study of Dynamic Responses of Coal Fired Power Generation Process using Intelligent Systems Techniques period 2 only Yes available
13 Neil Evans Engineering Mike Chappell (Engineering) Modelling antibody binding to antigens immobilised on a surface and application to Surface Plasmon Resonance experiments period 1 or period 2 Yes available
14x Petr Denissenko Engineering Colm Connaughton (Mathematics) Nonlinear effects on the statistics of wave run up on a beach period 1 or period 2 Yes available
15 Petr Denissenko Engineering Colm Connaughton (Mathematics) Modelling of sperm motility in a microchannel period 1 or period 2 Yes available
16 Jonathan Seville Engineering Igor Khovanov (Engineering) Crowd movement using Discrete Element Methods period 1 or period 2 Yes available
17 Jonathan Seville Engineering Igor Khovanov (Engineering) Ergodicity & the trajectory of a single particle period 1 or period 2 Yes available
18x Igor Khovanov Engineering (----) Fractal analysis of stochastic exchange game period 1 or period 2 Yes Filippo Casati
19 Igor Khovanov Engineering Nigel Stocks (Engineering) Predictability of chaotic dynamics in the presence of fluctuations versus structure of chaotic attractors period 1 or period 2 Yes available
20 Igor Khovanov Engineering Nigel Stocks (Engineering) Large deviations on macro and microscopic scales: observation, prediction and control period 1 or period 2 Yes available
21 Igor Khovanov Engineering Nigel Stocks (Engineering) Heart rate variability: what are essential ingredients to observe the HRV complexity period 1 or period 2 Yes available
22 Ian Guymer Engineering Mike Chappell (----) Developing Deconvolution - Challenges of including unsteadiness and bifurcations period 1 or period 2 Yes available
23 Yongmann Chung Engineering (----) Multiscale simulation of patient specific models of the human lung period 1 or period 2 Yes available
24 Professor Roger J. Green Engineering Professor David A. Hutchins (Engineering) Detection of skin lesions and skin cancers using near infrared imaging. period 1 or period 2 Yes available
25x Dr Duncan Lockerby Engineering Colm Connaughton (Mathematics) Bridging the molecular-continuum divide: multi-scale modelling of flows in nano systems period 1 or period 2 Yes available
26 Alain Dunoyer External (non-Warwick) Abhir Bhalerao (Computer Science) Camera-Based Terrain Surface Recognition period 1 or period 2 Yes available
27 Alain Dunoyer External (non-Warwick) (----) Driver Distraction Detection period 1 or period 2 Yes available
28 Keith Briggs External (non-Warwick) (----) Combinatorial optimization for geometric problems period 1 or period 2 Yes available
29 Keith Briggs External (non-Warwick) (----) Wireless propagation around houses period 1 or period 2 Yes available
30x Keith Briggs External (non-Warwick) (----) Distributed heuristics for graph coloring and wireless channel assignment - reserved for Sharon Bullimore period 1 only Yes Sharon Bullimore
31 Colm Connaughton Mathematics Sandra Chapman (Physics) Complexity and Plasma Physics for Fusion Power period 1 or period 2 Yes available
32 Colm Connaughton Mathematics Trevor Maynard (External (non-Warwick)) Modelling the Potential for Correlations between Atlantic Hurricanes period 1 only Yes available
33 Colm Connaughton Mathematics (----) Coherent structures and turbulence in two-dimensional hydrodynamics period 1 or period 2 No
34x R.S.MacKay Mathematics Nicholas Beale (External (non-Warwick)) Financial Contagion period 1 or period 2 Yes available
35x Thomas House Mathematics (----) Adaptive Dynamics in Ecological Food Webs period 1 only Yes Michael Irvine
36x Thomas House Mathematics (----) Buy / Sell Propagation across a Financial Network period 2 only Yes Marcus Ong
37x Stefan Grosskinsky Mathematics Paul Chleboun (Complexity) Condensation in disordered stochastic particle systems (taken by Luis Garcia) period 1 only Yes Luis Garcia
38x Stefan Grosskinsky Mathematics Adnan Ali (Complexity)
Competition interfaces in expanding populations (taken by Claudia Cioli) period 1 only Yes Claudia Cioli
39x Daniel Ueltschi Mathematics Stefan Grosskinsky (Mathematics) Spatial random permutations and cycle distribution period 1 only Yes Alexander Lovisolo
40 R.S.MacKay Mathematics (----) Calibration of Assessors period 1 or period 2 Yes available
41x Prof. Neil Stewart Psychology (----) Modelling Eye Movements in Risky Decision Making period 1 or period 2 Yes available
42 Prof. Neil Stewart Psychology (----) Modelling Noisy Decisions period 1 or period 2 Yes available
43x Prof. Robin Ball Physics Prof. Anthony Neuberger (Warwick Business School) Financial Time Series Analysis & Multi-fractal Replication (Marcus Alexander Ong) period 1 only Yes Marcus Ong
44 Ellak Somfai Physics (----) Modeling sickle cells period 1 only Yes available
45x Matthew Turner Physics (----) Global models of swarming period 1 only Yes available
46 Matthew Turner Physics (----) Topological constraints in soft matter period 1 only Yes available
47 Matthew Turner Physics (----) Swarming in fish period 1 only Yes available
48 Matthew Turner Physics Dr D R Daniels (Other) Metastable configurations of confined random walks period 1 only Yes available
49 S C Chapman Physics E Bullmore (External (non-Warwick)) Correlation and ‘surprise’ in MEG human brain data. period 1 or period 2 Yes available
50 Prof M P Allen Physics (----) Transition Path Sampling in Small Polymers period 2 only Yes available
51 Mark Dowsett Physics (----) Entropy, priors and fusion in spectroscopic mapping techniques period 2 only Yes available
52 Dr David Quigley Physics Prof. Mike Allen (Physics) Partial disorder in lattice models of crystal growth period 2 only Yes available
53 Rudolf A Roemer Physics Marc A Eberhard (External (non-Warwick)) MPOCSS - Massively parallel optical communication system simulator period 1 or period 2 Yes available
54x Nikolaos Zygouras Statistics Stefan Grosskinsky (Mathematics) Properties of geodesics and fixation in Last Passage Percolation period 1 only Yes available
55 Dr. Dalia Chakrabarty Statistics Dr. Fabio Rigat (Statistics) Modelling the Milky Way period 2 only Yes available
56 Kolokoltsov Statistics (----) Power laws in economics, linguistics and natural sciences. period 1 only Yes available
57x Sascha Ott Systems Biology Fabio Rigat (Statistics) ECLIPSE analysis (Sharon Bullimore) period 1 or period 2 Yes Sharon Bullimore
58x David Wild Systems Biology (----) Nested Sampling for Motif Discovery in Biological Sequences period 1 only Yes available
59x Magnus Richardson Systems Biology (----) A
 action of
adenosine period 1 or period 2 Yes Adam Newton
60x Magnus Richardson Systems Biology (----) Non-random connectivity and the response properties of neocortical networks period 1 or period 2 Yes Daniel Sprague
61 Till Bretschneider Systems Biology (----) Developing new tools for 3D analyses of cell migration period 1 or period 2 Yes available
62 Yasmin Merali Warwick Business School Anthony Alston (External (non-Warwick)) The use of Patterns and Anti-patterns in Complex Systems Engineering period 1 or period 2 Yes available
63 Yasmin Merali Warwick Business School Dr Lorraine Dodd (External (non-Warwick)) Policy modelling: new multi-perspective approaches to “what if?” analysis period 1 or period 2 Yes available
64 Yasmin Merali Warwick Business School Dr Lorraine Dodd (External (non-Warwick)) Visualising option landscapes period 1 or period 2 Yes available
65 Prof. Juergen Branke Warwick Business School (----) Multiobjective Simulation Optimisation period 1 or period 2 Yes available
66 Prof. Juergen Branke Warwick Business School (----) Identifying optimal parameter settings for a heuristic period 1 or period 2 Yes available
67 Prof. Juergen Branke Warwick Business School (----) Evolution of Hospital Management Policies period 1 or period 2 Yes available
68 Prof. Juergen Branke Warwick Business School (----) Efficient Global Optimization for Dynamically Changing Problems period 1 or period 2 Yes available
69x Nick Chater Warwick Business School Robert Mackay (Mathematics) Thermoeconomics: Thermodynamics as a model of market behaviour period 1 or period 2 Yes available
70 Dr Duncan Robertson Warwick Business School (----) Shock & Surprise in Online Social Networks period 1 or period 2 Yes available
71 Dr Duncan Robertson Warwick Business School (----) Networks and the Publishing Industry period 1 or period 2 Yes available
72 Yasmin Merali Warwick Business School Laura Reid, Simul8 (External (non-Warwick)) Agent Based Modeling of Social Networks: applciations for the services offered by the Departmetn of Work and Pensions period 2 only Yes available
73 James Harte Warwick Manufacturing Group (----) Removing cochlear implant artefacts from electrically evoked potentials period 2 only Yes available
74 James Harte Warwick Manufacturing Group (----) Denoising auditory brainstem responses period 1 or period 2 Yes available
75 Christopher James Warwick Manufacturing Group (----) Behavioural analysis of micro organisms through video microscopy period 1 or period 2 Yes available
76 Christopher James Warwick Manufacturing Group (----) Analysis of everyday activity through Bluetooth encounters period 1 or period 2 Yes available
77 Christopher James Warwick Manufacturing Group (----) Algorithm design in Brain Computer Interfacing (BCI): increasing data throughput period 1 or period 2 Yes available
78 Silvester Czanner Warwick Manufacturing Group John Aston (Statistics) Modelling of behavioural changes of human embryos in very early stages of their development period 1 only Yes available
79x Frances Griffiths Warwick Medical School Nick Parsons (Warwick Medical School) Depression – predictors of patterns of illness over time period 1 or period 2 Yes Qingyi Feng