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Maths Case Study

Title: Co-Creating Innovative e-Assessments

Department: Mathematics

Staff Lead: Siri Chongchitnan



The Mathematics Department at Warwick University launched a pioneering initiative titled "Co-Creating Innovative e-Assessments in Mathematics," led by staff lead Siri Chongchitnan. This initiative aimed to revolutionize the traditional methods of mathematics assessments by integrating modern technological tools such as Python, STACK, Geogebra, and JavaScript, in order to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes, co-create with students to ensure adaptability and longevity of the e-assessments, and supplement traditional pen-and-paper methods with interactive digital assessments. Spanning four weeks from July 3 to July 28, 2023, the project sought to create interactive and engaging e-assessments for Year 1 mathematics students. 


    Over the course of four weeks during the summer vacation, this team dedicated themselves to developing and coding new questions for the e-assessments. Their approach included daily briefings and debriefings to foster an environment of continuous feedback and improvement. The primary technological tools employed were the STACK package on MoodleX, enhanced by custom interactive applications developed using Python and JavaScript. This innovative blend aimed to bring mathematical equations and theorems to life through dynamic 3D visualizations, thereby making abstract concepts more accessible and engaging for students.  


    The collaboration resulted in the creation of a comprehensive set of innovative e-assessments tailored for the new first-year mathematics curriculum. These assessments are set to benefit at least 350 students in the current academic year and are expected to serve as a valuable resource for many years to come. The intern involved in the project demonstrated remarkable diligence and commitment, attending all required sessions and contributing significantly to the project's success. 


    The development of these innovative e-assessments revealed the intricate and labor-intensive nature of creating interactive and creative educational tools. The project underscored the importance of collaboration between technologically adept individuals and experienced educators to integrate interactive visualizations effectively into the e-assessment framework. This initiative has not only paved the way for future developments in e-assessments but has also highlighted the potential challenges and learning curves associated with integrating technology into education. 


    Feedback from the evaluation forms indicated that while the creation of these assessments is a demanding task, the potential benefits in terms of student engagement and learning outcomes are significant. The project team plans to continue offering summer internships with Warwick funding to further explore and expand the scope of e-assessments in the mathematics curriculum. 



    Looking forward, the Mathematics Department aims to normalize the inclusion of departmental internships every summer, building on the success of offering such opportunities over the past three years. The ultimate goal is to incorporate innovative e-assessments into a broader range of modules, building on the momentum generated by the shift to digital learning methods necessitated by the Covid-19 pandemic. This initiative represents a significant step forward in the department's ongoing efforts to enhance the quality of mathematics education through the integration of technology, thereby enriching the student learning experience and outcomes.