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What is enterprise?

What is enterprise?

The challenges in our global labour market mean it is important to leave university being able to make pro-active, positive and responsible contributions to society.

Being enterprising is not just about starting or running a businesses.

Entrepreneurial behaviour and enterprise skills are useful during university studies and sought after by graduate employers for many types of organisations.

Being enterprising

The skills and attributes to generate ideas.

  • Creative and innovative
  • Confident and energetic
  • Risk aware and decisive
  • Communicative and collaborative
  • Versatile and determined.

Being entrepreneurial

Business entrepreneurs need further skills to successfully start, manage and grow their enterprise, whether for profit or not-for-profit.

  • Understanding of user needs
  • Aware of market forces
  • Strategic and flexible

The enterprising mind-set is evident in all that we do and achieve."

Enterprise education

The importance of supporting student enterprise has become a fundamental and expected part of the higher education experience.

Universities are measured on Enterprise Education through the National Student Survey and Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education Survey.

They ask students how well their higher education has developed their ‘enterprise capability’. Also, more recruiters are looking for ‘entrepreneurial' graduates.

We continue to innovate and engage with students to explore the potential for enterprise and entrepreneurship.

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