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Useful tools and apps

Please note: the resources listed on this page are from external companies.


An online scheduling assistant that allows clients to self-time to meet with you by selecting a free slot in your schedule.

Adobe Kick Box

An open-sourced process developed by Adobe to promote innovative thinking amoung staff and colleagues or entrepreneuers.


A community of makers and early adopters showcasing their startups and exchanging feedback.

Enterprise Nation

A network of small businesses and business advisers that has helped thousands of people achieve their goals.


A fun and interactive alternative for zoom/teams.


Develop digital, enterprise and employability skills for free with online challenges and events.

Just in Mind

All-in-one UI and UX design platform to create UI assets, prototypes and simulations.

Microsoft Powerpoint (Coach)

A handy feature in Microsoft Powerpoint to analyse your presentation and provide feedback on your presentation skills.

Microsoft Teams

For working individuals and groups to help communicate and collaborate on projects.


A mind-mapping tool to collaborate and brainstorm with experts in real-time and help you create presentations.

NatWest Pitch App

Learn how to create a video pitch directly to your phone or tablet. Available in Apple App store.


Solutions to your business needs including email marketing, marketing automation, and analytics.

Product Hunt

The ideal go-to launch platform for startups. Showcasing amazing new products every day.


A messaging app created for working individuals and groups to help communicate and collaborate on projects.


A business model template to help you to describe, design, challenge and pivot your business model.

Zoom App

Video conferencing app to help working individuals and groups communicate and collaborate on projects.