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Peter Kraftl and Peter Adley (2008) Archtecture/Affect/Inhabitation: Geographies of Being-In Buildings, in Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 98: 1 (213-231)

notes CL

In this article the authors explore, 'how individual buildings and their architects preconfigure, limit and engender particualr affects to accomplish very particular goals' (p 213). We are doing something similar.

Discussion of what AFFECT is, drawing on cultural geographical literature. Thrift and 'the affective register'.

AFFECT as something that is 'pushing, pulling, or lifting us to feel, think, or act' (215).

'.. affect can be understood as teh property of relations, of interactions, of events: It is not purely the property of a single (human) being' (215). Affect 'emergent from relations between bodies'

Looks again at the Steiner school to see how it 'wecomes' through design and material shaping - gestural efects of buidling.

p 220 something intersting about the fact that not just the buildings themselves that have affective impact but the wasy in which people labour within them to create affect - eg cleaners, teachers preparing things, and so on. Are we attentive to this where relevant?

Decisions/ interntions to creatie affect are political, cultural, ethical. 

'the organisation and choreography of materials and bodies creates a stuborness or persistance of affect, to invoke simultaneously repetitive ... and iterative senses of space ... simultaneously to create senses of stability and safety'. ( 227)Cath this v tru in eduactional contexts - iteration of desks in rows, etc, creates sense of permanence over time and incribes powerful affects.


'For architects adn their buildings to be taken seriously, buildings must be imbied with the power to make a difference to their inhabitants' (213)

attention to buildings' affective, tactile, sensual effects.


Tuesday, 02 March 2010
Affect, architecture