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Registration for the Monash-Warwick Friendship Dialogues - Students

This project aims to measure assessment literacy related to contemporary assessment practices, identify potential barriers to implementation of effective assessment among educators.

The study will explore lived experiences of health educators from Monash and Warwick universities using a novel Friendship MethodLink opens in a new window. This means that you will have a relaxed dialogue on topics related to assessment on Teams (or Zoom) with a health education student from Monash. A facilitator will organize your meeting, introduce you to each other and will provide you with prompts that will support your dialogue.

The dialogue will be arranged on a date and time of your convenience. In fact, after you register you interest, you will be contacted by Tania Villanueva (Research Project Officer) asking for your availability for arranging the Teams dialogue.

If you would like to know more about the dialogue and the scope of the project please consult the Explanatory Statement for StudentsLink opens in a new window.Link opens in a new window

You can register your interest in participating in this project by filling out the form below or by directly contacting us at or the Research Project Officer, Dr Tania Villanueva, at

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