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PhD student recruitment

The IGPP PhD Programme recruits home and international students onto 4-year fully funded scholarships.

During the first 6 months of the programme, otherwise known as the MPhil/PhD in Public Health, students will attend a variety of taught courses, with the aim of complementing and widening their expertise from undergraduate and any prior postgraduate training. During this time, the students will also have the opportunity to draft their PhD proposal together with their chosen PhD supervisors.

Each student will have supervision from academics in at least two of the main disciplines of the Institute, taken from the Warwick Medical School, Warwick Business School, or the Department of Mathematics. Students will share research space to support the cohort in learning together as well as benefitting from their main departmental affiliation.

At the end of the initial 6-month training period, students will be allocated to one of four different award titles (most suited to their chosen area of study):

PhD in Public Health (Behavioural Science)
PhD in Public Health (Mathematical Epidemiology)
PhD in Public Health (Pathogen Diagnostics)
PhD in Public Health (Pandemic Response Planning)


The studentships are funded to cover a student stipend (was £19,237 in 2024/25), university fees (national or international level) and a Research and Training Support Grant of £1,250 per academic year. Additional funds will be available to support laboratory costs (up to £10,000 over the 4 years) for students involved in laboratory work.

Please note that this does not include the cost of visa applications, travel expenses or health surcharge for international applicants.

Application Process

Applications are now open - please click here to submit an application.

Students will be expected to meet Warwick's general entry requirements, found hereLink opens in a new window. These include at least an upper second class UK honours degree or international equivalent, evidence of English language capability, and two strong academic references.

The application form includes the opportunity to upload a curriculum vitae and a personal statement. The personal statement should explain why you are interested in a research studentship undertaking research to support global pandemic planning, as well as any aspects of yourself that you want to highlight.


If you have any general admissions enquiries please contact the PGR team. Email:

For any non-admissions enquiries please contact our admin team. Email: 

Example projects

Potential supervisors

Current research students