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Dr Erik Griffin

Supervisor Details

Erik Griffin

Contact Details

Dr Erik Griffin

School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick

Research Interests

Asymmetric cell divisions generate daughter cells with distinct identities and are essential for both embryonic development and adult tissue homeostasis. Cell polarity lies at the heart of an asymmetric division: the polarized distribution of factors at the plasma membrane and in the cytoplasm prior to cell division leads to their asymmetric inheritance by the daughter cells. While decades of work has elucidated the mechanisms that control cortical polarity, we know surprisingly little about how cytoplasmic asymmetries are generated. The long-term goal of my research program is to understand how the cytoplasm is polarized using a combination of quantitative imaging, mathematical modelling, genetic and biochemical approaches. We focus our research on the asymmetric divisions in the C. elegans embryo that establish the germline lineage. Current projects in my lab focus on:

  • The role of polo kinase and PP1 phosphatase in polarizing the distribution of germline determinants in the early C. elegans embryo.
  • The establishment of distinct germline and somatic translation programs following asymmetric division in the early C. elegans embryo.

Research Groups

Griffin Lab (Will be updated to Warwick shortly)

Cells and Development

Project Details

Dr Erik Griffin is the supervisor on the below project:

Mechanisms of asymmetric cell division: Coordinating polarity and the cell cycle

Secondary Supervisor(s): Andres Pires da Silva

University of Registration: University of Warwick

BBSRC Research Themes: Understanding the Rules of Life (Stem Cells)

Project Outline

Asymmetric cell divisions give rise to daughter cells with distinct fates and functions. Asymmetric divisions generate cell diversity during embryonic development and are essential to maintain adult tissue health. For example, dysregulation of stem cell asymmetric divisions can drive tumor formation in several tissues. The long term goal of our research is to understand how asymmetric divisions are orchestrated during embryonic development, which will provide a foundation for understanding how they are disrupted in pathogenic contexts.

We study the mechanisms underlying asymmetric divisions in the early C. elegans embryo, which allows us to combine classic genetic and modern gene editing approaches with quantitative fluorescence imaging. Shortly after fertilization, the embryo undergoes four consecutive asymmetric divisions that distinguish the germline lineage from somatic lineages. Prior to each asymmetric division, germline fate regulators (collectively called “germplasm”) and somatic cell fate regulators are segregated to opposing cytoplasmic domains. At cell division, germline factors are inherited by the germline daughter and somatic factors are inherited by the somatic daughter.


PhD projects in my lab will focus on understanding the coordination between cell cycle, cell polarity and translational control mechanisms. In particular, we are interested in 1) the role of the mitotic kinase Polo (PLK-1) and the phosphatase PP1 in controlling the polarization of the germplasm and 2) using live imaging approaches to quantify how translation is regulated in space and time during early development.


  1. Wu Y, Han B, Li Y, Munro E, Odde DJ, Griffin EE (2018) Rapid diffusion-state switching underlies stable cytoplasmic gradients in the Caenorhabditis elegans zygote. PNAS. 115(36):E8440-E8449.
  2. Han B, Antkowiak KR, Fan X, Rutigliano M, Ryder SP, Griffin EE (2018) Polo-like kinase couples cytoplasmic protein gradients in the C. elegans zygote. Current Biology. 28:60-69.
  3. Wu Y, Han B, Smith J, Singh A, Griffin EE (2019) Single molecule dynamics of the P granule scaffold MEG-3 in the C. elegans zygote. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 30(3):333-345.