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Dr Gabriele C Sosso

Supervisor Details

Gabriele C Sosso

Contact Details

Dr Gabriele C Sosso

Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick


Research Interests

Molecular Simulations of Disordered Systems and Phase Transitions

We devise, implement and validate Computational Methods (particularly enhanced sampling techniques) to investigate the functional properties of systems of practical relevance.

We are especially interested in the molecular-level details of Phase Transitions, such as the freezing of water into ice within biological systems - a process which is crucial to e.g. cryopreservation.

The physical chemistry of Disordered Systems, from supercooled liquids to amorphous solids, is another key aspect of our research: we target nanocavities in molecular networks as well as the thermal properties of glasses.

Scientific Inspiration

I was lucky enough to be taught maths and physics by an exceptional character in secondary school, a certain Piercarlo Cattaneo, back in Italy. His passion for science was contagious and never truly left me – a constant reminder to do my best in both my teaching and research.

Research Groups

Sosso Group

Project Details

Dr Sosso is supervising no projects this year.