Professor Timothy Bugg
Supervisor Details
Research Interests
My research group is currently studying bacterial enzymes for degradation of the lignin biopolymer found in plant cell walls, including DyP-type peroxidase enzymes, multi-copper oxidase enzymes, and Sphingobacterium sp manganese superoxide dismutase, for the conversion of lignin into renewable aromatic chemicals. We are also using metabolic engineering to convert lignin into high-value aromatic chemicals. My group also studies enzymes involved in bacterial cell wall peptidoglycan biosynthesis, as targets for the development of novel antibacterial agents.
Scientific Inspiration
Professor Christopher T Walsh (Harvard Medical School, MIT). Chris Walsh was my postdoc supervisor in 1989-1991, a very exciting period of research for me. Chris had a huge knowledge of his field, always knew which were the key experiments to do, and was always interested in your science, but without putting pressure on you. There was a fantastic buzz about science in the group that I have tried to instil in my own researchers.
MIBTP Project Details
Previous Projects (2024-25)
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