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Warwick AMR - Warwick Antimicrobial Interdisciplinary Centre

Warwick Antimicrobial Interdisciplinary Centre (WAMIC)

Antimicrobial resistance poses a huge problem in healthcare, undermining modern medicine. This could lead to common infections becoming deadly diseases. The experience of Covid-19 demonstrates that governments everywhere need access to interdisciplinary expertise to tackle infectious disease and AMR. Warwick has deep expertise in microbiology, drug discovery, epidemiology, public health, behavioural science, close links to industry and global connectivity: this puts Warwick at the forefront of developing new therapeutic strategies and training the next generation of AMR leaders.

Antibiotic Resistance - the Global Threat


Additional Deaths each year in the EU*


Babies died in India in one year due to drug resistant infections


Additional deaths each year in Thailand


Additional deaths each year in the United States

By 2050 deaths due to AMR infection will exceed10 million a year

Monash Warwick Alliance

Initiative in Combating Emerging Superbug Threats

Howard Dalton Centre

Targeting Cell Wall Biosynthesis to Combat AMR