Structure and mechanism of clathrin coated vesicle formation during clathrin-mediated endocytosis using a range of structural and biophysical techniques |
Structural biology, principally X-ray structural determination, in combination with molecular biology and biochemical approaches, to investigate the molecular basis of microbial physiology |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis sugar metabolism; biochemistry, structural biology, chemistry and microbiology techniques |
Antibiotic resistance, bacterial pathogenicity and population genetics |
Microbial diversity, genetics and biochemistry of microorganisms involved in methylated amine and quaternary amine metabolism |
Statistical and mathematical approaches to understanding the biology and control of diseases in farmed animals; translating research into practice. |
Dynamic membrane proteins; X-ray crystallography in combination with other biochemical and biophysical techniques |
Antimicrobial targets |
Plant-pathogen interactions; Genome-wide, confocal microscopy and biochemistry |
Genetic and functional diversity of methylotrophics bacteria |
Understanding the ecological roles for specific bacterial activities including antibiotic production, resistance and exoenzyme production and analysing the impact of lateral gene transfer |
How microbial communities form and change temporally and spatially; microbial communities (microbiomes) associated with endemic diseases in farm animals. |
Molecular biology of viruses which use a single stranded negative sense RNA molecule as genome. |
Modelling of infectious diseases in humans and animals. Optimal targeting; Spatial spread and Networks; Stochasticity and persistance of infection |
Transmission dynamics of HIV stages. Dynamics and control of malaria. Prediction and optimal control of helminth infections |
Bacterial signalling: new chemical keys to unlock the production of novel microbial antibiotics. |
Bacterial community behaviour, biofilms |
Mechanisms of bacterial infection and phage therapy inside the mammalian cell environment |
Developing synthetic phages as organism-specific antimicrobials. Expertise in theoretical physics, structural biology, biophysics, bioinformatics, HPC, 3D-printing, software engineering, microfluidics, structural analysis, statistical mechanics. |
Cellular mechanisms of bacterial clearance/ antibiotic resistance breakers. Expertise in cell and molecular biology, confocal microscopy, electron microscopy |
a) bacterial evolution, ecology & AMR in chronic infections, especially in cystic fibrosis; b) developing realistic lab models of chronic infection; c) antimicrobial discovery using pre-modern European medical texts. |