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FASHIoN — Studying Hip Impingement

UK Full Randomised Controlled trial of Arthroscopic Surgery for Hip Impingement versus best CoNventional

Welcome to the UK FASHIoN study website.

The FASHIoN study is a multicentre randomised controlled trial comparing the clinical and cost effectiveness of arthroscopy surgery versus best conservative care for patients with femoroacetabular impingement syndrome.

The FASHIoN trial is being conducted in 24 hospitals in England, Scotland and Wales. We are inviting 344 patients who have been diagnosed with femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) syndrome, by an orthopaedic surgeon, to take part in the study. Patients' deemed eligible and who consented to take part in the study are allocated to recieve either arthroscopic (keyhole) hip surgery or a program of physiotherapy (called Personalised Hip Therapy). Both treatment stratergies have been shown to be effective; the FASHIoN study will establish which is the best.

The study is being run by the University of Warwick Medical School with collaboration from Keele University, the University of Bristol, 22 NHS Trusts and 2 private hospitals. The Chief Investigator is Professor Damian Griffin.


The study had been funded by the Health Technology Assessment Programme (HTA) of the National Institute of Health Research, this is a division of the department of health. Grant numbers 10/41/02 and 13/103/02.


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