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CCPP Meetings


The 2018/19 meeting will be held at Warwick on Monday 1 July.


The 2017 meeting was held in Warwick on December 11. Despite major snow disruption this was attended by 22 delegates from AWE, Warwick, York, Exeter, Imperial, Intel and ARM. The full agenda for this meeting can be found here.


The Annual Meeting of the Centre for Computational Plasma Physics was held at Warwick University in September, 2016. This meeting concentrate on the Computer Science side of CCPP and was attended by 29 delegates. There were 8 talks including contributions from AWE, Warwick, Intel, IBM, Allinea, Dresden and CCFE. The full agenda can be found here.


The first day-long Annual Meeting of the Centre for Computational Plasma Physics was held at Warwick University on November 9, 2015. The meeting was attended by 35 delegates from across Warwick, EPCC, CELIA, York Plasma Institute, First Light Fusion, Imperial College, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE), RAL, Oxford, Exeter, Strathclyde and AWE. The meeting had 10 talks (see Agenda) some of which are available below.