Writing retreat at Loch Macquarie
Writing retreat at Loch Macquarie: how to get a book written on time!
Alison Rodger of University of Warwick and Janice Aldrich-Wright and Vince Higgins from University of Western Sydney took 10 UWS students away to a lovely lake front location at Lake Macquarie (Loch Macquarie) to focus all their minds on writing projects that hadn't made as much progress as they should. They worked intensely for 5 days and made significant progress. Most of the group focused on writing chapters for a book on DNA metallo intercalators that Janice is editing. Others wrote papers. The programme began with an intense (and rather long!) morning of writing. After lunch everyone rested their brains and fingers while swimming or engaging in other activities. After afternoon tea they took up the writing again with a emphasis on reviewing the activities of the morning. After dinner the sessions related to transferable skills training with interesting discussions on how to manage ones supervisors; how to construct research grants and guide them through the process to the nirvana of getting funded.