My Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Kasra Razmkhah
Date of Birth: 19.06.1986
University of Warwick, Gibbet Hill Rd, Coventry, United Kingdom, CV4 7AL
I am a cross-discipline analytical scientist with particular expertise in vibrational and electronic spectroscopy including Raman, infrared, linear dichroism and circular dichroism. I have experience of supervising MSc and MChem student projects in vibrational and electronic spectroscopy of biomolecules. I also worked on introducing and optimising a new polarised Raman spectroscopy technique (RLD) during my PhD. project.
Professional Experience
ISA CALIPSO project A fundamental understanding of the transition polarisations of biomolecules in the far ultraviolet using synchrotron facility (Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark) : December 2014–January 2015
Raman / Raman optical activity / Raman linear difference laboratory researcher (University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom) : January 2014–c urrent
Technical support staff (Stores, Chemistry Department, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom) : November 2014–current
Teaching assistant for postgraduate students in chromatography (University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom) : 2010–current
Farsi Interpreter in Pearl Linguistic Institute : 2012–current
Trainee in Quality Control department of Razi serum and vaccine research institute (Hesarak, Karaj, Iran) (2 months) : 2008
Personal tutor in general chemistry, organic chemistry and general physics : 2006–2 008
Salesman in Alborz shopping center (Tajrish sq., Tehran, Iran) : 2005
Accountant in an Ehsan Electric store (Lalehzar st., Tehran, Iran) : 2004
November 2010 – December 2014
The University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom
PhD in Chemistry
Research Project: Molecular alignment techniques for polarised spectroscopy.
Supervisor: Prof. Alison Rodger
October 2009 – September 2010
The University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom
Master of Science in “Instrumental Analytical Methods in Biology and Environmental Chemistry” (IAMBEC)
Modules: Electroanalytical Chemistry, Introduction to Cellular Systems, Elemental Analysis, Introduction to Cellular Systems, Data Acquisition I: Biophysical Techniques and Instrumental Design, Data Acquistion II: Bioimaging and Array Technologies, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry, Chromatography
Research Project: IAMBEC in the Real World(Analysis of antioxidants in tea samples by using HPLC-MS), Research Project and Dissertation(Development of a new polarized Raman spectroscopy technique for probing nucleic acid structure)
Damghan Azad University, Damghan, Iran
Bachelor of Science in Applied Chemistry
(Last two years (76 of 147 credits) GPA16.25/20.00).
Bachelor's project
Worked as a trainee in the Quality Control department of Razi serum and vaccine research institute (Hesarak, Karaj, Iran) (2 months) : 2008
September 2003 – June 2004
Pre-university Center of Razi, Tehran, Iran
Pre-University studies (GPA 15.39/20.00)
September 2000 – June 2003
Sadr High School, Tehran, Iran
High School (third year GPA 15.82/20.00)
Razmkhah,K., Rodger,A.,Raman spectroscopy application for the oriented small biomolecules. (in preparation)
Razmkhah, K.; Little, H.; Sandhu, S.; Dafforn, T.R.; Rodger, A. Optical properties of xanthene based fluorescent dyes studied by stretched-film linear dichroism RSC Advances., 2014, 4, 37510–37515
Razmkhah, K.; Chmel, N.P; Gibson, M.I.; Rodger, A. Oxidized polyethylene films for orienting polar molecules for linear dichroism spectroscopy, Analyst, 2014, 139, 1372–1382. DOI: 10.1039/c3an02322b (Selected as a Hot Article by Analyst)
Zou,Y., Razmkhah, K., Chmel, N P. Hamley, I W, and Rodger, A., Spectroscopic signatures of an Fmoc-tetrapeptide, Fmoc and fluorene. RSC Advances, 2013.
Kowalska, P., Cheeseman, J R., Razmkhah, K., Green, B., Nafie, L A., and Rodger, A., Experimental and theoretical polarized Raman linear difference spectroscopy of small molecules with a new alignment method using stretched polyethylene film. Analytical Chemistry, 2011.
Spectroscopy techniques: UV-visible spectroscopy, Linear Dichroism, Circular Dichroism, Raman, Raman Optical Activity, Infrared absorbance, DLS, fluorescence
Chromatography: TLC, HPLC, GC
Ability to interpret analytical results
Computer skills:
Software including:
Chem Draw, Chem 3D, ACD, Dry Lab, MS Office, Origin.
Additional qualifications
Postgraduate Certificate in Transferable skills in Science
Certificate in Quality Assurance (ISO 9001: ver 2000)
Laser Safety Course
Invited Talks
“Raman spectroscopy applications for small molecules oriented on polyethylene surface” (University of Warwick CD Summer School 9th of July 2014)
“Spectroscopy approach to anthracene” (University of Warwick CD Workshop July 2013)
“Raman spectroscopy applications for small molecules oriented on polyethylene surface” (University of Warwick Surface Science Summer Seminars 18th of July 2013)
“Introducing a new spectroscopy technique to study vibrational transition moments” (University of Warwick Chemistry Symposium 29th of May 2013)
Poster Presentations
"Raman spectroscopy application for the oriented small biomolecules" (Advanced Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy Conference at Łochów Palace - Poland 16–18 November 2012)
"Raman spectroscopy application for the oriented small biomolecules" (University of Warwick Symposium 30th of May 2012)
"Raman Linear Difference baseline correction" (Statistics workshop at MOAC doctoral centre 30th of November 2011)
"Introducing a new alignment technique for polarised Raman spectroscopy" (University of Warwick Chemistry Symposium 21th of June 2011)
Fields of Interest
Spectroscopic techniques: IR, Raman, ROA, UV-Vis, fluorimetry, circular dichroism, linear dichroism.
Separation science (Chromatography)
Thermoraphy (DSC)
Extra Curriculum Activities
Table tennis and squash.
Help to organise international social events.
Nature photography.
Movie and music amateur critic.
Professor Alison Rodger |
Doctor Claudia Blindauer |
Head Deapartment of Chemisry, University of Warwick CV4 7AL, UK |
MSc Director in MAS CDT, University of Warwick CV4 7AL, UK | |