Gibson Group: Daniel Mitchell
Dan was part of the Gibson group as a PhD student (2012-2015). He now works as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Sheffield University. See below for details of Tom's work whilst a Gibson Group member.
Daniel was born and grew up in Taunton in Somerset, obtaining GCSEs and A-Levels before attending the University of Bristol to study for a BEng in Engineering where he obtained a 1st class Honours degree.
Following on from his undergraduate studies Daniel changed focus from engineering to Biochemistry, starting MOAC (Molecular Organisation and Assembly in Cells) doctoral training centre at the University of Warwick in 2012, involving a one year taught MSc in Mathematical Biology and Biophysical Chemistry followed by 3 further years of PhD study. Daniel completed the Masters year in 2012 obtaining a Distinction, and including research projects in microbiology, computational chemistry and biomaterials. He is now currently undertaking a PhD in the Gibson group investigating antifreeze proteins and synthetic analogues. Outside of the lab Daniel enjoys triathlons and running.
Daniel's MOAC page containing further information can be found hereLink opens in a new window
Research Interests
Research interests focus on investigating new synthetic materials which show antifreeze properties and their potential uses.
- Mitchell, D. E., et al. (2014). "Quantitative study on the antifreeze protein mimetic ice growth inhibition properties of poly(ampholytes) derived from vinyl-based polymers." Biomaterials Science. 2014, 2 (12), 1787 - 1795
- Mitchell, D.E, et al. (2015). "Rational, yet simple design of an antifreeze protein inspired polymer for cellular cryopreservation". Chemical Communications. 2015, DOI: 10.1039/C5CC04647E.
Poster Presentations
- Poster Presentation - 11th Internatational Conference on Materials Chemistry (8-11th July University of Warwick).
- Poster Presentation- Polymer Club conference 22nd May 2014 University of Warwick.
- Poster Presentation- Warwick University Chemistry Symposium 28th May 2014.
- Poster Presentation- RSC Younger Members Symposium, University of Birmingham 24th June 2014.
- Poster Presentation - Challenges in Chemical Biology, ISACS Zurich, June 2015
Oral Presentations
- Inter-DTC conference 2014- Extremophile engineering- polymeric mimics of antifreeze proteins.
Awards and Bursaries
- D.H. Richards RSC Macro group travel bursary (£500) to attend ISACS conference in Zurich, Switzerland.
- Biochemical Society travel bursary to attend Biochemical Society conference St Andrews, UK.
2011- BEng University of Bristol
2012- MSc University of Warwick
2012 to present- PhD University of Warwick