Gibson Group: Huba Marton
Huba was born in Romania and moved to the United Kingdom in 2010 at the age of 14. In 2015, he studied Chemistry at the University of Reading, with a master's in polymer chemistry, developing zwitterionic materials as drug delivery vehicles.
Cell Culture, PCR, ImageJ, Flow Cytometry, Plaque Assay, Bacterial Culture, Bacterial Growth Curves, RAFT Polymerization, NMR Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry, Plasmid Conjugation
Research Interests
Cryopreservation, Synthetic antifreeze polymers, Phage Microbiology, Polymer Chemistry
PhD Project Overview
Huba is working under Professor Matthew Gibson in collaboration with Cytiva. He is investigating cryopreservation techniques, including synthetic antifreeze protein mimics and controlled freezing gradients working towards long-term storage of viral vectors for cell-based therapies.
Huba L. Marton, Apoorva Bhatt, Antonia P. Sagona, Peter Kilbride and Matthew I. Gibson (2023). Screening of Hydrophilic Polymers Reveals Broad Activity in Protecting Phages during Cryopreservation. opens in a new window
Huba L. Marton, Peter Kilbride, Ashfaq Ahmad, Antonia P. Sagona, and Matthew I. Gibson (2023). Anionic Synthetic Polymers Prevent Bacteriophage Infection. opens in a new window
Huba L. Marton, Kathryn M. Styles, Peter Kilbride, Antonia P. Sagona, and Matthew I. Gibson. (2021). Polymer-Mediated Cryopreservation of Bacteriophages. opens in a new window
Panagiotis G. Georgiou, Huba L. Marton, Alexander N. Baker, Thomas R. Congdon, Thomas F. Whale, and Matthew I. Gibson. (2021). Polymer Self-Assembly Induced Enhancement of Ice Recrystallization Inhibition. opens in a new window
Research Presentations
Oral Presentations:
Can Any Hydrophilic Polymer Protect Phages During Cryopreservation? - SLTB2023, 59th Meeting of the Society for Low-Temperature Biology, Vigo, Spain, September 2023
Polymer-Mediated Bacteriophage Cryopreservation: Elucidating the Mechanism - School of Life Sciences Postgraduate Researcher Symposium, University of Warwick, March 2023
Polymer-Mediated Cryopreservation of Bacteriophages - Cryo2022, Joint Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology & Society for Low-Temperature Biology, Dublin, Ireland, July 2022
Polymer-Mediated Cryopreservation of Bacteriophages - MIBTP 2022 Symposium, University of Leicester, Leicester, 11th April 2022
Poster Presentations:
RAFT Polymer-Mediated Phage Cryopreservation: Elucidating the Mechanism - ChemContext 2023, University of Warwick, February 2023 - Won 5th place for poster presentation
Polymer-Mediated Cryopreservation of Bacteriophages - Measurement and Modelling and Materials and Polymers Clusters Research Symposium Poster Presentation, University of Warwick March 2022 & Department of Chemistry Postgraduate Symposium, University of Warwick, 25th May 2022
Polymer-Mediated Cryopreservation of Bacteriophages - RSC Biomaterials 16th Annual Chemistry Group Meeting January 2022
Cryo-storage Biotechnologies for Cell-Based Therapies - MIBTP 2021 Poster Session