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C.D. Fage, M. Passmore, B.P. Tatman, H.G. Smith, X. Jian, U.C. Dissanayake, G.A. Cisneros, M.E. Foran, G.L. Challis, J.R. Lewandowski and M. Jenner. Molecular basis for short-chain thioester hydrolysis by acyl hydrolases in trans-acyltransferase polyketide synthasesLink opens in a new window.
JACS Au, 2025, 5, 144–157
* Highlighted on the front coverLink opens in a new window.
* bioRxiv preprintLink opens in a new window.

B.R. Terlouw, C. Huang, D. Meijer, J.D.D. Cediel-Becerra, M.L. Rothe, M. Jenner, S. Zhou, Y. Zhang, C.D. Fage, Y. Tsunematsu, G.P. van Wezel, S.L. Robinson, F. Alberti, L.M. Alkhalaf, M.G. Chevrette, G.L. Challis and M.H. Medema. PARAS: high-accuracy machine-learning of substrate specificities in nonribosomal peptide synthetases.Link opens in a new window
bioRxiv, 2025, DOI: 10.1101/2025.01.08.631717.


M.E. Foran, N.B. Auckloo, Y.T.C. Ho, S. Liu, Y. Hai and M. Jenner. Biochemical dissection of a fungal highly reducing polyketide synthase condensing region reveals the basis for acyl group selection.Link opens in a new window
bioRxiv, 2024, DOI: 10.1101/2024.12.23.630095v1.

M. Zdouc, K. Blin, N. Louwen, ..., M. Jenner, ..., R.G. Linington, T. Weber and M.H. Medema. MIBiG 4.0: Advancing biosynthetic gene cluster curation through global collaboration.Link opens in a new window
Nucleic Acids Res., 2024, DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkae1115.

X. Jian, P. Fang, C. Hobson, M. Jenner, L.M. Alkhalaf and G.L. Challis. Antibiotic skeletal diversification via differential enoylreductase recruitment and module iteration in trans-acyltransferase polyketide synthases.Link opens in a new window 
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2024, 146, 6114–6124.
* bioRxiv preprintLink opens in a new window.
* Highlighted in 'Hot off the Press' (Nat. Prod. Rep., 2024, 41, 520).


M. Jenner, Y. Hai, H.H. Nguyen, M. Passmore, W. Skyrud, J. Kim, N.K. Garg, W. Zhang, R.R. Ogorzalek Loo and Y. Tang. Elucidating the molecular programming of a nonlinear nonribosomal peptide synthetase responsible for fungal siderophore biosynthesisLink opens in a new window.
Nat. Commun., 2023, 14, e2832.
* bioRxiv preprint.Link opens in a new window
* 'Behind the Paper' article - 'Knowing Fe, knowing you'Link opens in a new window


C. Hobson, M. Jenner, X. Jian, D. Griffiths, D.M. Roberts, M. Rey-Carizzo and G.L. Challis. Diene incorporation by a dehydratase domain variant in modular polyketide synthases.Link opens in a new window 
Nat. Chem. Biol., 2022, 18, 1410–1416.
* Highlighted in ‘Hot off the Press’ (Nat. Prod. Rep., 2023, 40, 223).

M.J. Cabello-Lobato, M. Jenner, C.M. Loch, S.P. Jackson, Q. Wu, M.J. Cliff and C.K. Schmidt. Microarray screening reveals a non-conventional SUMO-binding mode linked to DNA repair by non-homologous end-joining.Link opens in a new window
Nucleic Acids Res., 2022, 50, 4732–4754.
* bioRxiv preprint.Link opens in a new window

S. Wang, W.D.G. Brittain, Q. Zhang, Z. Lu, M.H. Tong, K. Wu, K. Kyeremeh, M. Jenner, Y. Yu, S.L. Cobb and H. Deng. Aminoacyl chain translocation by a type II thioesterase domain in an unusual non-ribosomal peptide synthetase.Link opens in a new window
Nat. Commun., 2022, 13, e62.
* 'Behind the Paper' article - 'Bridging Biosynthetic and Collaborative Boundaries'Link opens in a new window


M. Passmore, A. Gallo, J.R. Lewandowski and M. Jenner. Molecular basis for acyl carrier protein-ketoreductase interaction in trans-acyltransferase polyketide synthasesLink opens in a new window
Chem. Sci., 2021, 12, 13676–13685.
* Highlighted on the inside coverLink opens in a new window.

C.D. Fage, S. Kosol, M. Jenner, C. Öster, A. Gallo, M. Kaniusaite, R. Steinbach, M. Staniforth, V. Stavros, M. Marahiel, M. Cryle and J.R. Lewandowski. Communication breakdown: dissecting the COM interfaces between the subunits of nonribosomal peptide synthetases.Link opens in a new window
ACS Catal., 2021, 11, 10802–10813.

A.J. Mullins, G. Webster, H.J. Kim, J. Zhao, Y.D. Petrova, C.E. Ramming, M. Jenner, J.A.H. Murray, T.R. O'Connor, C. Hertweck, G.L. Challis and E. Mahenthiralingam. Exploration of polyyne biosynthetic gene cluster diversity in bacteria leads to the discovery of the Pseudomonas polyyne protegencin.Link opens in a new window
mBio, 2021, 12, e00715–00721.
* bioRxiv preprintLink opens in a new window

H.G. Smith, M.J. Beech, J.R. Lewandowski, G.L. Challis and M. Jenner. Docking domain-mediated subunit interactions in natural product megasynth(et)ases.Link opens in a new window 
J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 2021, 48, kuab018.

J. Bellamy-Carter, L. O'Grady, M. Passmore, M. Jenner and N.J. Oldham. Decoding protein gas-phase stability with alanine scanning and collision induced unfolding ion mobility mass spectrometry.Link opens in a new window
Anal. Sens., 2021, 1, 62–69.
* Highlighted on the coverLink opens in a new window.
* Article author profileLink opens in a new window.

C. Jones, G. Webster, A.J. Mullins, M. Jenner, M.J. Bull, Y. Dashti, T. Spilker, J. Parkhill, T.R. Connor, J.J. LiPuma, G.L. Challis and E. Mahenthiralingam. Kill and cure: Genomic phylogeny and bioactivity of a diverse collection of Burkholderia gladioli bacteria capable of pathogenic and beneficial lifestyles.Link opens in a new window
Microb. Genom., 2021, 7, 000515.
* bioRxiv preprintLink opens in a new window


Y. Hai, M. Jenner and Y. Tang. Fungal siderophore biosynthesis catalysed by an iterative nonribosomal peptide synthetaseLink opens in a new window.
Chem. Sci., 2020, 11, 11525–11530.

I.T. Nakou, M. Jenner, Y. Dashti, I. Romero-Canelón, J. Masschelein, E. Mahenthiralingam and G.L. Challis. Genomics‐driven discovery of a novel glutarimide antibiotic from Burkholderia gladioli reveals an unusual polyketide synthase chain release mechanism.Link opens in a new window
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2020, 59, 23145–23153.
* Highlighted in ‘Hot off the Press’ (Nat. Prod. Rep., 2021, 38, 287).

M. Passmore and M. Jenner. Clicking into place: Interfacing terminal alkyne biosynthesis with polyketide synthases.Link opens in a new window
Trends Biotechnol., 2020, 38, 682–684.


Y. Hai, M. Jenner and Y. Tang. Complete stereoinversion of L-tryptophan by a fungal single module nonribosomal peptide synthetase.Link opens in a new window 
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141, 8198–8206.

S. Kosol, A. Gallo, D. Griffiths, T.R. Valentic, J. Masschelein, M. Jenner, E.L.C de los Santos, L. Manzi, P.K. Sydor, D. Rea, S. Zhou, V. Fülöp, N.J. Oldham, S-C. Tsai, G.L. Challis and J.R. Lewandowski. Structural basis for chain release from the enacyloxin polyketide synthase.Link opens in a new window
Nat. Chem., 2019, 11, 913–923.

M. Jenner. Predicting the peculiarLink opens in a new window.
Nat. Chem. Biol., 2019, 15, 761–763.

M. Jenner, X. Jian, Y. Dashti, J. Masschelein, C. Hobson, D.M. Roberts, C. Jones, S. Harris, J. Parkhill, H.A. Raja, N.H. Oberlies, C.J. Pearce, E. Mahenthiralingam and G.L. Challis. An unusual Burkholderia gladioli double chain-initiating nonribosomal peptide synthetase assembles 'fungal' icosalide antibioticsLink opens in a new window.
Chem. Sci., 2019, 10, 5489–5494.

A.J. Mullins, J.A.H. Murray, M.J. Bull, M. Jenner, C. Jones, G. Webster, A.E. Green, D.R. Neill, T.R. Connor, J. Parkhill, G.L. Challis and E. Mahenthiralingam. Genome mining identifies cepacin as a key plant-protective metabolite of the biopesticidal bacterium Burkholeria ambifariaLink opens in a new window.
Nat. Microbiol., 2019, 4, 996–1005.
* Featured in News & Views: Uncoupling virulence and biocontrolLink opens in a new window.
* 'Behind the Paper'Link opens in a new window article written by E. MahenthiralingamLink opens in a new window.
* Featured in The IndependentLink opens in a new window (March 2019)


S. Kosol, M.Jenner, J.R. Lewandowski and G.L. Challis. Protein-protein interactions in trans-AT polyketide synthases.Link opens in a new window
Nat. Prod. Rep., 2018, 35, 1097–1109.

B. R. K. Menon and M. Jenner. Reprogramming assembly lines.Link opens in a new window
Nat. Chem., 2018, 10, 245–247.

M. Jenner, S. Kosol , D. Griffiths, P. Prasongpholchai, L. Manzi, A.S. Barrow, J.E. Moses, N.J. Oldham, J.R. Lewandowski  and G.L. Challis. Mechanism of intersubunit ketosynthase–dehydratase interaction in polyketide synthases.Link opens in a new window
Nat. Chem. Biol., 2018, 14, 270–275.


Nat. Prod. Rep., 2017, 34, 712–783.
* Highlighted on the coverLink opens in a new window.

L. Song, M. Jenner, J. Masschelein, C. Jones, M. Bull, S. Harris, R. Hartkoorn, A. Vocat, I. Romero-Canelón, P. Coupland, G. Webster, M. Dunn, R. Weiser, C. Paisey, S. Cole, J. Parkhill, E. Mahenthiralingam and G.L. Challis. Discovery and biosynthesis of gladiolin: a Burkholderia gladioli antibiotic with promising activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis.Link opens in a new window
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2017, 138, 7974–7981.
* Featured in the Science and Technology section of The EconomistLink opens in a new window (24 June 2017).
* Highlighted in an American Chemical Society press releaseLink opens in a new window (14 June 2017).

M. Jenner, J.P Afonso, C. Kohlhaas, P. Karbaum, S. Frank, J. Piel and N.J. Oldham. Acyl hydrolases from trans-AT polyketide synthases target acetyl units on acyl carrier proteins.Link opens in a new window
Chem. Comm., 2016, 52, 5262–5265.
* Highlighted in ‘Hot off the Press’ (Nat. Prod. Rep., 2016, 33, 742).

K.R. Asiani, H. Williams, L. Bird, M. Jenner, M. S. Searle, J.L. Hobman, D. J. Scott, P. Soultanas. SilE is an intrinsically disordered periplasmic “molecular sponge” involved in bacterial silver resistance.Link opens in a new window
Mol. Microbiol., 2016, 101, 731–742.

Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed., 2015, 54, 1817–1821.

D.C. Gay, G. Gay, A.J. Axelrod, M. Jenner, C. Kohlhaas, A. Kampa, N. J. Oldham, J. Piel, A.T. Keatinge-Clay. A close look at a ketosynthase from a trans-acyltransferase modular polyketide synthase.Link opens in a new window
Structure, 2014, 22, 444–451.
* Highlighted on the coverLink opens in a new window.

M. Jenner, S. Frank, A. Kampa, C. Kohlhaas, P. Pöplau, G.S. Briggs, J. Piel and N.J. Oldham. Substrate specificity in ketosynthase domains from trans‐AT polyketide synthases.Link opens in a new window
Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed., 2013, 52, 1143–1147.
* Highlighted in ‘Hot off the Press’ (Nat. Prod. Rep., 2013, 30, 1272).

M. Jenner. Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry: Biological Applications.Link opens in a new window
Encyclopedia of Biophysics., 2013, 1148–1152.

C. Kohlhaas, M. Jenner, A. Kampa, G. S. Briggs, J.P. Afonso, J. Piel, N.J. Oldham. Amino acid-accepting ketosynthase domain from a trans-AT polyketide synthase exhibits high selectivity for predicted intermediate.Link opens in a new window
Chem. Sci., 2013, 4, 3212–3217.

Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed., 2011, 50, 8291–8294.

M. Dufour, C. Yan, D. Siegel, M. A. Colucci, M. Jenner, N.J. Oldham, J. Gomez, P. Reigan, Y. Li, C.I. De Matteis, D. Ross, C.J. Moody. Mechanism‐based inhibition of quinone reductase 2 (NQO2): Selectivity for NQO2 over NQO1 and structural basis for flavoprotein inhibition.Link opens in a new window
ChemBioChem., 2011, 12, 1203–1208.