Uganda Martyrs University (UMU)
Alex Ndibwami
Alex Ndibwami BSc(BDT)(Hons), BArch(Hons), MArch (Uganda Martyrs) ( is a Lecturer in the Faculty of the Built Environment (FBE) of Uganda Martyrs University (UMU). He is also an architect with dESIGN@UMU a consultancy housed within the Faculty. His primary area of interest is user behaviour in the built environment and its impact on sustainability. Mr Ndibwami leads a team that includes the Associate Dean, Dr Mark Olweny and a Research Assistant in Thomas Niwamara. A strategic objective of the Faculty is to ensure sustainability/energy efficiency are at the core of its Research, Teaching and Community Engagement.
Dr Mark R.O. Olweny
Mark R.O. Olweny B.Arch.St.(Hons.), B.Arch.(Hons.), M.Reg.&Urb.Pl., M.Arch.St., PhD ( is a Senior Lecturer in Architecture in the Faculty of the Built Environment, Uganda Martyrs University. His research interest is in the environmental performance of buildings in upland tropical environments and on approaches to architectural education. Mark has worked in architectural practice and education in Australia, Canada, Ireland and Uganda, and believes that travel is the best educator.
Thomas Niwamara
Thomas Niwamara ( has a Masters in Architecture and is currently a research assistant on the Energy and Low Income Housing (ELITH) project: carrying out energy audits, material experiments coordinating meetings and disseminating findings. Thomas as a built environment practitioner has a firm belief that in a developing country background, architectural practice has a large role to play in the identification, critical assessment of the challenges and implementation of appropriate housing solutions. He is keen on the preservation of indigenous knowledge viewing it as a means towards truly sustainable living. He has contributed to a number of publications covering the topics of embodied energy and associated impacts, post occupancy evaluation in the development of appropriate housing, and the role of rural based institutions as triggers for widespread development.