Conference Programme

Conference Programme - Version 1 September 2021
Please make sure you check the programme regularly (on each day) as last minute changes are very likely.
Speakers shall check the programme carefully and ensure they join the relevant conference session promptly for their presentation.
All timings that appear on the programme refer to British Summer Time (BST) not UTC or GMT – make sure you convert the BST time appropriately to your local time.
Day 1 - Wednesday 1 September | |||||
8:30 | OPTIONAL Technical Drop-in session (session chairs and presenters only) | ||||
10:00 | Icebreaker - Let's Make Haiku! Chair: Nahoko Miyaji |
12:00 | Welcome and opening of conference Georgia Kremmyda (Conference Chair, Professor The University of Warwick UK) Jung Sun Kim (President INWES, Vice President and Professor Dongseo University South Korea) Christine Ennew (Provost and Professor The University of Warwick UK) Margot James (Executive Chair Warwick Manufacturing Group) |
12:40 | Gold Sponsor Address Angela Wilks (Power System Engineer, National Grid) |
13:00 | Plenary talk Peggy Oti-Boateng (Director - Division of Science Policy and Capacity-Building, UNESCO) Engineering for sustainable development-Imperatives for women engineers |
13:30 | Plenary talk Eucharia Kenya (Professor, Deputy Vice Chancellor University of Embu, Kenya) Sustainable Inclusivity for Women in STEM in the Wake of Global Humanitarian Challenges |
14:00 | Networking Session (and break) | ||||
14:30 | Session 1: Education, Training & Ethics |
Session 2: Gender & STEM |
Session 3: Global Health & Pandemics |
Session 4: One Humanity, Shared responsibility |
Session 5: Urban Resilience, Disasters & Data |
Chair: Georgia Kremmyda | Chair: Modupe Jimoh | Chair: Kong-Joo Lee | Chair: Toby Mottram | Chair: Belén García | |
Keynote talk: Jayshree Seth Advancing Women in STEM The global perception of science and the need for STEM advocacy |
Keynote talk: Damla Sener How to future-proof your career and life choices in digital economy |
Keynote talk: Haryoung Poo Development of vaccine for COVID-19 |
Keynote talk: Christina Francis Managing stakeholders' roles and interests during the energy transition |
Keynote talk: Rana Ilgaz Achieving strategic change in a world city |
15:00 | Talk 1: Jung Sun Kim Gender in STEM education in universities in Taiwan and Korea |
Talk 1: Rose Atieno Opiyo The Disjunction between Availability of Opportunities in STEM Careers and Lack of Enthusiasm to go into the Careers: Disentangling the Paradox |
Talk 1: Ukemeobong Okon Public Health Challenge: Prevalence of brucellosis in occupational categories in Nigeria |
Talk 1: Ruby Hanson Managing humanitarian challenges through sustainable micro science activities |
Talk 1: Josephine Eze The Impact of Integrating Renewable Energy Source for Rural Electrification Optimization using Neuro-Fuzzy |
15:20 | Talk 2: Jan Peters Reframing excellence in higher education |
Talk 2: Rie Yamaguchi Work-style reform and womens career promotion in Japan |
Talk 2: Daniela Valdes Global Evidence on Telemedicine adoption in Primary Care During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic – review protocol and preliminary insights |
Talk 2: Scholastica Fidelis Ekanem Pond Construction Estimations: Clues for Integrating Classroom and Field Experience in Secondary Schools and Students' Acquisition Skills in Pisciculture in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria |
Talk 2: Evangeline Ekoh Erosion control and reclamation in Opi Nsukka, Enugu - Nigeria |
15:40 | Talk 3: Maria Natalia Dimaano Immediate chemical engineering online education in the Philippines: Addressing cross-functional tasks empowering critical decisions despite the COVID-19 pandemic |
Talk 3: Olufunmilade Fatungase Driving Africas Socio-Economic Growth through Strategic Gender Inclusivity in STEM Career: the Roles of Professional Associations |
Talk 3: Kamini Gupta Perceived Behavioural Changes in Commuter's Mobility due to COVID Situation (Delhi-India) |
Talk 3: Alexandra Leeper What Antarctica taught us: How a leadership program for women in STEMM is changing the narrative to drive science-based decisions for the well-being of the collective and of our planet |
Talk 3: Zeba Zaidi Rethinking the Moria Refugee Camp: Spatial and Structural Reconsiderations |
16:00 | Panel discussion Electrification Chair: Pam Thomas |
17:30 | Introducing Film Director Amirose Eisenbach in advance of Day 2 Film Screening on 'Equal Playing Field' Networking |
18:00 | End of Day 1 |
Day 2 - Thursday 2 September | ||||||
8:30 | OPTIONAL Technical Drop-in session (session chairs and presenters only) | |||||
9:30 | Equal Playing Field - Film Screening | |||||
11:00 | Session 1: Climate Change / Ecosystems & Biodiversity |
Session 2: Renewable Energy |
Session 3: Global Health & Pandemics |
Session 4: Education, Training & Ethics |
Session 5: Gender & STEM |
Session 6: Gender & STEM |
Chair: Mohammad Shoeb | Chair: Caroline Thoruwa | Chair: Yiannis Koumpouros | Chair: Ruby Hanson | Chair: Sylvia Kegel | Chair: Jung Sun Kim | |
Keynote talk: Sujit Bala Adaptation Efforts and Policy Guidelines for Bangladesh Combating Climate Change at 1.5C, 2C and 4C of Global Warming |
Keynote talk: Antonella Vitale Towards More Sustainable Humanitarian Systems |
Keynote talk: Yiannis Koumpouros The contribution of innovative ICT applications to the quality of health services: the case of COVID-19 |
Keynote talk: Sheridan Ash Tech She Can |
Keynote talk: Nina Baker More than pioneers: Britain's 'Hidden Figures' women in the space race and Cold War |
Keynote talk: Rafaella Ocone Engineering Equitable Innovation |
11:30 | Talk 1: Kenza Khomsi The contribution of the large-scale atmospheric patterns to pollution with PM10: the new Saharan Oscillation Index |
Talk 1: Christia Meidiana Determinants of Community Involvement in Waste Reduction through Waste Bank |
Talk 1: Aneeqa Rana COVID-19 Silver Lining: Tinkering to Shift Education Paradigms towards a Learning Revolution |
Talk 1: Nelly Sakyi-Hagan Gender differences in performance in integrated science among pre-service secondary school teachers in Ghana |
Talk 1: Janet Williams Hidden figures: Surprise findings gleaned from a U.S. National Science Foundation study and other sources |
Talk 1: Seema Singh Women in STEM Education and Employment in India: Status and Prognosis |
11:50 | Talk 2: Toluwanimi Adeoti Household Behaviour towards Energy Conservation in Nigeria |
Talk 2: Olufunmilade Fatungase Closing global energy demand gap using renewable energy technologies |
Talk 2: Grace Wamue Innovative Gender Responsive Strategies to Sustain Mentorship in Science, Technology and Engineering (STEM) in the Post- Covid-19 Era |
Talk 2: Catherine Mavriplis 30 years of Canada's Chairs for women in Science and Engineering: the changing landscape |
Talk 2: Joanna Collingwood Challenging Perceptions: research-led efforts to advance gender equality in STEM |
Talk 2: Mary Mwangi Participatory, gender-responsive evaluation of climate smart bananas for enhanced food security and income |
12:10 | Talk 3: Fidela Enodiem Udoh Mid-rain plantain (MUSA SPP) farming innovation technology required by graduates of agriculture for self-reliance in sustainable production |
Talk 3: Hind Saidani-Scott Solar panel cooling methods for electrical efficiency improvement |
Talk 3: Selline Ooko Contextualized Science learning and Student’s Transition from Secondary School to University: The Case of a Public Day Secondary School in Kenya |
Talk 3: Peggy Layne A Systematic Review of Scholarly Research on Women in Engineering |
Talk 3: Ogechi Vivian Nwadiaru Co-Op Financing A Gender Effective Energy Intervention for the Last Mile |
12:30 | Workshop Influential Leaders by Juliet Hart |
14:00 | Networking Session (and break) | Annual INWES AGM | ||||
15:30 | Poster Session 1 | Poster Session 2 | Poster Session 3 | Poster Session 4 | ||
Chair: Belén García | Chair: Modupe Jimoh | Chair: Angelos Georgoulas | Chair: Joanna Collingwood | |||
Poster 1: Jung Sun Kim Is STEM Still a Man's World? |
Poster 4: Rufina Dabo Sarr The Digital Economy: The Role and Place of Women (another speaker to present due to unforeseen reason) |
Poster 7: Ifeyinwa Obuekwe Effect of climate reanalysis and some spatial attributes on the spread of COVID-19 at global scale |
Poster 10: Rose Okoloekwe Public Health Strategy for Wellness Enhancement through Mineral Fortified Drinking Water |
Poster 2: Yumiko Nagoh Steady Effort to Build Soft Diagonal Relationships and Offer Opportunities with Experiential STEAM Learning |
Poster 5: Oliva Kilyenyi Contribution of Women in Gender and STEM development |
Poster 8: Kamini Gupta Impact of Vision on Driver Safety Performance |
Poster 11: Mary Goretti Kariaga Challenges and recommendations in mitigating HIV risky behaviour among students in institutions of higher learning |
Poster 3: Hye Young Park The Missing Link in Regional Gender Policy |
Poster 6: Ndidi Arinze Indoor Implementation of Hybrid of Light Fidelity and Wireless Fidelity Networks |
Poster 9: Ifeyinwa Obuekwe Design and Operation of a Microbial Fuel Cell utilizing Pineapple and Cassava Wastewaters |
Poster 12: Nneka Ogbuagu Combating food insecurity in Nigeria through strategic formulated agricultural mechanization plan |
16:00 | Workshops in Parallel Sessions | Panels in Parallel Sessions | ||||
Workshop 1: Women in Science and Engineering Role models & allyship |
Workshop 2: Jenny Amann, Katie Cross, Andrew Aris Football fair play |
Workshop 3: Tomoko Numazawa Diversity in the workstyle - let's talk about work-life balance |
Panel 1: World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts Learning outside of school: empowering girls in STEM through Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting |
Panel 2: Canadian Institute for Women in Engineering and Sciences (CIWES) Creating the Memories & celebrating the Legacy of the Bold & the Brave: Building the Archives of Women Scientists & Engineers |
17:30 | Networking, social events | |||||
18:00 | End of Day 2 |
Day 3 - Friday 3 September | |||||
8:30 | OPTIONAL Technical Drop-in session (session chairs and presenters only) | ||||
10:00 | Icebreaker - Virtual Magic By Chris Fleming |
10:30 | Handover to ICWES19 | ||||
11:00 | Session 1: Gender & STEM |
Session 2: Renewable Energy |
Session 3: Sustainable Cities |
Session 4: Environmental Sustainability |
Session 5: Water and Environmental Sustainability |
Chair: Ruby Hanson | Chair: Modupe Jimoh | Chair: Toby Mottram | Chair: Kong-Joo Lee | Chair: Seema Singh | |
Keynote talk: Marlene Kanga Increasing gender participation and leadership in STEM organisation |
Keynote talk: Eucharia Kenya Bioprospecting Cellulases from Organic Wastes for Bioethanol Production in Kenya |
Keynote talk: Oliva Kilyenyi Sustainable cities through creation of sustainable transport system |
Keynote talk: Uduakobong Okon Communal conflict and agriculture education ethics and practice: case of community crisis in Nigeria |
Keynote talk: Alice Liddell Methodologies for the detection of microplastics in clean water systems, and their removal by conventional drinking water treatment technologies |
11:30 | Talk 1: Rehema Ndeda Technology as a tool for impact evaluation in Gender and STEM: A review of literature |
Talk 1: Gabriella Gardosi Sustainable bioenergy in Nigeria to benefit rural women |
Talk 1: Aminata Kolé Faye Solar energy, corner stone of Africas industrialization |
Talk 1: Adebisi Osim Chemical Attenuation Assessment of Cement Kiln Dust Treated Black Clay Soil in Waste Containment Facilities |
Talk 1: Mohammad Shoeb Biodiversity, water quality and environmental contaminants of the Bay of Bengal |
11:50 | Talk 2: Helene Goetschel Gender Studies as a Tool to Overcome Social Inequalities in Physics Education |
Talk 2: Irnia Nurika Bioconversion of lignocellulosic tropical agricultural wastes to produce potential renewable chemicals and biogas through integrated biorefinery concept |
Talk 2: Emma Hellawell Evaluating asbestos contamination on brownfield sites to inform sustainable urban development |
Talk 2: Uche Chiwetalu Jenice Investigations on the use of different bio- materials (Poultry Droppings, Mashed Cassava Peels, and Slightly Mashed Grasses) in control of Soil Alkalinity |
Talk 2: Emily Ngeno Caffeine and Ciprofloxacin Adsorption from Water onto Clinoptilolite: Linear Isotherms, Kinetics, Thermodynamic and Mechanistic Studies |
12:10 | Comfort break | ||||
12:30 | Workshop Engineering education, diversity and inclusion by Marlene Kanga |
14:00 | Networking Session (and break) | ||||
14:30 | Workshops in Parallel Sessions | Panels in Parallel Session | |||
Workshop 1: Christina Francis Smart Local Energy Systems (SLESs) - Data for Change for People, Communities and Environment |
Workshop 2: Graeme Gooday Where are the histories of women’s international collaboration in engineering and applied science? |
Workshop 3: Christine Grant Strategic Development: Design Your Decision… Determine Your STEM Destiny!! |
Panel 1: ENHANCE Consortium (Erasmus plus project) Humanitarian Attributes in Community-based Engineering Education |
Panel 2: Warwick Engineering Society STEM Education: Students perspective |
16:00 | Plenary Talk Leah Jamieson (Professor, Purdue University, USA) Reflections on Women in STEM: Balancing Concerns and Optimism |
16:30 | Plenary Talk Reini D. Wirahadikusumah (Professor, Rector Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia) |
17:00 | Awards and Prizes | ||||
17:10 | Closing Address Gail Mattson (Past President, INWES) Georgia Kremmyda (Professor, Conference Chair) |
17:30 | Post-conference networking and social events | ||||
18:00 | End of Conference |