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Research Rigs

Research support in the Engineering workshops

Workshops design and build a wide range of research rigs, teaching lab equipment, and class demonstration aids, for academics, researchers and students.

We also give practical advice on engineering applications that require experimental or test research equipment in all the engineering disciplines.

We design and manufacture equipment for areas and departments as diverse as mechanical engineering, mathematics, micro engineering, fluid dynamics, civil engineering, electronics, alternative technology, biology, arts centre, electronic nose and estates just to name a few.

The technical staff of workshops may be able to convert your academic or research practical experimental rig requirements into viable reality.

Dr Peter Thomas, has this to say about the technicians in Workshops.

"All of the turntables were designed and built in house! The mastermind behind the designs of the tables is Mr. John Roe from our drawing office. Without John's ingenious ideas and the expertise of our workshop technicians I would still be spinning buckets of water on top of an old record player."
Peters Turntables

If you are engaged on a project or research that you need special equipment or test rigs for, please contact us for advice and a quotation.



Or Phone Roger Bull, our Chief Technician on x 28018

On the right are pictures of some of the rigs that have been designed and built in workshops. These are quite complex but we design and manufacture smaller and simple rigs as well, no job is that small or large that we would not be interested in it.

On the following pages there are pictures of other rigs and equipment we have built, this gives an idea of range and versatility of our expertise.