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All the latest from the WUSAT team

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European Space Agency FYS!-3 Launch Selection Workshop, Holland

WUSAT-3 satellite Team/mission shortlisted for a place on the latest ESA Education Fly Your Satellite! launch programme

Wed 15 Jan 2020, 07:58 | Tags: training, publicity


The WUSAT team are spending the week in ESRANGE, the space centre in northern Sweden and situated in the Arctic Circle where the REXUS rocket will be launched in 2015 containing the WUSAT CubeSat! This is for the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) of our project where there will be several lectures from space experts, presentations by all of the participating teams and an in-depth discussion with a team of experts regarding the Student Experiment Document (SED) the team have written and the experiment as a whole. This will be an invaluable experience that will help develop the project to meet real space-worthy conditions and all the additional work that goes with it. Further updates from Sweden will be posted throughout the week.

Mon 03 Mar 2014, 11:03 | Tags: training, REXUS

WUSAT-SOLSPEC successful in REXUS bid

We are delighted to announce that we have been successful in our bid for a slot on the REXUS 1718 campaign!

We will now be looking to expand our team to tackle the increase in workload primarily looking at 3rd year engineering students.

Thank you everyone for your support and REXUS/BEXUS for the excellent advice, we will continue to update you on our progress towards the project's most ambitious target yet!

You can see the team who attended the workshop just after they finished their successful presentation in the image below, with ESA's eduactional mascot Paxi.

REXUS presentation

Sat 04 Jan 2014, 12:20 | Tags: training, photo, publicity, REXUS

WUSAT going to the Netherlands for REXUS workshop

Tomorrow 5 of the team are flying to the Netherlands to take part in the REXUS workshop at the European Space Agency's ESTEC centre. There they will take part in some training activities, get a tour of the site and present our project proposal to a panel of experts. A successful outcome will result in a place on REXUS 17/18, a rocket launched from Sweden in February 2015, so best of luck to them!

Mon 02 Dec 2013, 18:27 | Tags: training, publicity

Training with National Instruments

The team received training today on LabVIEW, software that will be integral to our base station. Thanks to Hannah & Ash from National Instruments for such an interesting demonstration of its capabilities, and for providing us with some very useful advice.

Sat 19 Jan 2013, 12:14 | Tags: training