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2018/2019 Final Project Presentations

Each year students select and work on proposed project by academics, NGOs and industry partners or can develop their own for the module IL918 Project which takes place over a 3 month period in the summer term. On 12-13 September 2019, our first cohort of students delivered both oral and poster presentations showcasing their dissertations. Here are some examples of the wide ranging topics and collaborations our students undertook:

  • An Evaluation of the Project Management of Infrastructure Development Projects: A case study of a water pump system and placenta pit for Yemoh Town Community Health Centre Maternal Unit in Bo, Sierra Leone (in collaboration with Goodwill and Growth for Africa GAGA UK)
  • Assessing the Sustainability of an Underground and Hydrogen-Powered Dual-Railway Line Linking the East of England with the West Midlands (in collaboration with TSP Projects)
  • Assessment of Sustainable Materials and Investigative Analysis of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices for Greenstory Ltd (in collaboration with Greenstory)
  • Digital Innovations in Disaster Relief Management: The MSFCalc Solution (in collaboration with Doctors without Borders MSF UK)
  • Exploring the potential of improving wellbeing support for asylum seekers, refugees or migrants and Coventry local homeless population (in collaboration with the Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre)
  • Factors associated with traditional family planning use in Malawi (in collaboration with The DHS Program for Malawi)
  • Investigating the Community-based Approach: The case study of PartecipAzione: an empowerment and capacity building programme (in collaboration with UNHCR partner INTERSOS)
  • Mapping Sustainability Options for e-commerce Packaging and Delivery (in collaboration with Greenstory)
  • Overview of Microgrid Technologies, its Role in Disaster Relief and Electricity Market Analysis of Different Countries
  • Roof-water Harvesting in a Tropical Asian Area: The Feasibility Analysis of Roof-water Harvesting Technology in Guangning, China
  • Socio-economic potential of hydrogen economy to reduce impact on population health due to CO2 emissions