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Final Research Project (IL9HE10)

Students will study projects individually or as a group depending on their choice, guidance provided by the module leader and discussions with potential project supervisor. The group projects aim to give students experience of working within a team, and parallels the way teams formed with people with different background to tackle challenging projects similar to project teams formed in real life situations. Individual projects will be more focussed on in-depth studies in line with the background of the student and in line with the supervisor’s expertise.

Projects will vary in nature. Students will integrate their knowledge and understanding in order to specify and solve a substantial problem (or need), through the creation, development and or improvement of a product, process or system of work. The projects aim to provide essential professional skills that the student needs after graduation; these include communication skills, team work, analytical and problem-solving skills, personal management skills, technical competency in computer skills, leadership, learning skills and strong work values.

Some examples of possible projects are:

  • Development of low cost solar energy systems.
  • Affordable technologies for moving water in any area needed and providing clean drinking water to everyone.
  • Sustainable bioenergy deployment in developing countries.
  • Protecting and promoting the international cyberspace security.
  • Analysis of sourcing practices applied by humanitarian organizations in the field of disaster response.
  • Effective logistics and supply chains in humanitarian aid.
  • Addressing the need to decarbonise energy provision whilst simultaneously bringing energy to growing populations.
  • Access to transportation infrastructure is key to social mobility; access to education, economic opportunities and public infrastructure.
  • Investigate the impact of key infrastructure interventions to societal challenges.
  • Critical assessment of big infrastructure provisions to accommodate major sporting events.
  • Study on the education of vulnerable populations to disease outbreaks.
  • Effects of population growth on public health.
  • Establishing appropriate statistical analysis for public health data.
  • Protecting women under the International Humanitarian Law.
  • International Humanitarian Law and the challenges of contemporary armed conflicts.
  • Local administrations and disaster risk management.