Gina Souvalioti
Aim: EngD in Engineering
+44 (0) 74 6444 1371
My supervisors are Valentina Donzella and Kurt Debattista.
My research is sponsored by On Semiconductor ( and the Centre for Doctorate Training to Advance the Deployment of Future Mobile Technologies.
About me
- Graduated from the University of Patras (Greece) with a Master of Engineering (MEng) in Electrical & Computer Engineering. My master's stream was Communications & Information Technology.
- Obtained a Postgraduate Certificate from WMG, University of Warwick in Engineering Business Management.
- Worked as a software developer in a fintech company, designing databases and user interfaces for wealth management platforms.
- Member of WMG Intelligent Vehicles research group.
- EngD candidate at WMG, University of Warwick focusing on Video Camera Compression in Autonomous Vehicles.
My Research
My research interests involve Information Theory, Signal Processing, Automotive Sensors & Imaging Sensors.
- The aim of my MEng dissertation was to process acoustic signals arriving from multiple directions and expanding to all audio frequencies through mean square error minimisation by deploying fixed and adaptive filters.
- My EngD project focuses on perception sensors and particularly on CMOS Image Sensors for Advanced Driving Assistance Systems and Automated Vehicles. In this context, data reduction and video compression are of utmost importance to deal with the challenge of transmitting and processing the vast amount of video data generated per second by the sensor suite which is needed to support robust situational awareness. My project will explore how to reduce the amount of data to be transmitted and how this data reduction can safely enable the fast decision-making process in future vehicles.
Recent Publications
Automotive imaging sensors and deep neural network-based perception: the data conundrum for the London Image Meeting, September 2021.