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Prof Richard Brook

Invention, Innovation, and the Creation of New Technology

Prof. Richard Brook
Chief Executive
Manager of the INTErSECT Faraday Partnership in Sensors for Intelligent Control on behalf of the DTI and EPSRC.

6th June, 12.00pm A401 Engineering


Professor Richard Brook is Chief Executive of Sira Ltd, an independent Research and Technology Organisation specialising in sensing, imaging and instrumentation. He is a past member of both the EPSRC User Panel and the DTI Measurements Advisory Committee. He is currently a member of the RCUK and DTI Strategy Advisory Committees, the roles of which are to advise on thestrategic direction and scientific content of these two Basic Technology Research Programmes. He is also Chairman of the Space Technology Advisory Board and is advising DTI on its new structure for supporting Innovation.

For further information on any of these seminars please contact Dr Mike Chappell 24309,

Professor Richard Brook

Photo of Professor Richard Brook