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PhD research publication success (Sep 2024)

Luke's paper 'Ammonia leakage can underpin nitrogen-sharing among soil microorganismsLink opens in a new window' has been accepted for publication by The ISME Journal. What a fantastic achievement from an excellent PhD student.

Public lecture (June 2024)

Orkun delivers public lecture at MiBiNeXtLink opens in a new window – a PhD program focussed on synthetic microbial communities and their applications in biotechnology

Congratulations (June 2024)

Congrats to Sarah, Luke, and Tailise, who are embarking on their next academic career steps with new research

Visitor to OSS Lab (June 2024)

OSS Lab hosts Akshit Goyal Link opens in a new windowfrom ICTS as part of a BBSRC internationalisation award. During Akshit’s 1-week visit, we havel also organised a mini workshop with Wenying ShouLink opens in a new window, Arvind MuruganLink opens in a new window, Kabir Husain,Link opens in a new window and Samraat Pawar

Congratulations (May 2024)

Well done to Kelsey who has been awarded the runner-up prize for best ECR talk at the 'Microscale Ocean Biophysics' meeting, Heron Island, Australia!

New paper on BioRxiv (Apr '24)

Ammonia leakage can underpin nitrogen-sharing among soil microbes - read more here.

Visiting Artist (Feb '24)

We are excited to host Benjamin Nash, artist in residence, who will help us artistically communicate our research findings, on emergent behaviours observed in our cyanobacterial microbial community, to the public!

New paper on BioRxiv (Feb '24)

Cellular (de)coordination in gliding motility and plectoneme formation. Check it out here.

Invited speaker (Jan '24)

Orkun to speak at the first UK meeting on filamentsLink opens in a new window, organised by Kirsty Wan and Bertram Daum.

Our first cover image! (Dec '23)

Emily’s publication, on a mitochondrial membrane potential indicating dye, is the chosen cover image for 13th Dec issue of Biophysical ReportsLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window. See here for image details.

Hot off the press (Nov 2023)

New OSS Lab publication, 'Thioflavin T indicates mitochondrial membrane potential in mammalian cells' in Biophysical reportsLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window

PhD Viva Success (June 2023)

and for the 2023 PhD hat-trick, many congratulations to Luke on a brilliant thesis defence!

New protocol (June 2023)

Check out our new protocolLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window on 'Extraction of Cyanobacterial Slime from Community Samples and Subsequent Analysis via GC-MS'

PhD Viva Success (June 2023)

Congratulations to Clare for smashing her PhD Viva. Best of luck in your new adventures Dr Hayes!

Pint of Science public engagement event (May 2023)

Sarah captivated her audience at the recent Pint of Science even in Leamington spa, with her talk on 'Metabolic communications in a microbial macro-structure' as part of the 'What's in the Water?' series.

PhD Viva Success (April 2023)

Congratulations to Emily for smashing her PhD Viva. Best of luck in your new adventure Dr Skates!

Bio-electrical engineering BBSRC showcase (April 2023)

We were excited to be involved with the recent BBSRC BEE showcaseLink opens in a new window that took place at the University of Warwick and brought together innovators, entrepreneurs, and investors working in the field of Bio-Electrical Engineering (BEE) for networking and knowledge exchange and to direct the development of future funding opportunities

Publication news (February 2023)

OSS contributed to ‘voicesLink opens in a new window’ series in Cell Systems with a short piece on engineering communities.

Publication success (February 2023)

Visit eLifeLink opens in a new window to read our latest publication by West et al 'Dynamics of co-substrate pools can constrain and regulate metabolic fluxes'.

New Pre-print (December 2022)

Check out our new pre-print at BioRxiv, 'Reproducible spatial structure formation and stable community composition in the cyanosphere predicts metabolic interactions' by Duxbury et al. LinkLink opens in a new window.

INI workshop (October 2022)

OSS lab was among main organisers and was in attendance at the recent microbial communities workshop at the Isaac Newton Institute (INI). For recorded talks from the event, please see: The event was sponsored by INI and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.

New Theory Pre-print available online (October 2022)

'Co-substrate pools can constrain and regulate pathway fluxes in cell metabolism' by Robert West, Hadrien Delattre, Elad Noor, Elisenda Feliu and Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new windowOrkun S Soyer. bioRxiv linkLink opens in a new window

PhD viva success (July 2022)

Congratulations Dr Kelsey Cremin!

ChemChaste publication (June 2022)

Congratulations to Connah on his first author paper 'ChemChaste: Simulating spatially inhomogeneous biochemical reaction–diffusion systems for modeling cell–environment feedbacks' in GigaScienceLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window.

PhD Viva success (June 2022)

Congratulations to Dr Connah Johnson :-)

ChemChaste Tool available online (March 2022)

Visit our GithubLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window page or ZenodoLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window to access the ChemChaste code, a computational tool for the spatial simulation of multicellular and bulk biochemistry

Happy New Year with publication success! (January 2022)

Congratulations to Clare on her first author paper 'Multi-site enzymes as a mechanism for bistability in reaction networks' In print @ ACS Synthetic Biology

Congratulations Sarah! November 2021

Sarah's work from her previous post-doc in the Netherlands has been published in 'Proceedings of the Royal Society B'

Pre-print success (October 2021)

'Thioflavin T indicates membrane potential in mammalian cells and can affect it in a blue light dependent manner' by Emily Skates, Hadrien Delattre, Zoe Schofield, Munehiro Asally, Orkun S. Soyer. bioRxiv linkLink opens in a new window


'ChemChaste: Simulating spatially inhomogenous biochemical reaction-diffusion systems for modelling cell-environment feedbacks' by Connah G. M. Johnson, Alexander G. Fletcher, Orkun S. Soyer. bioRxiv linkLink opens in a new window

Book Chapter published (August 2021)

'An Evolutionary Systems Biology View on Metabolic System Structure and Dynamics' by Johnson C., Delattre H., Hayes C., Soyer O.S. In: Crombach A. (eds) Evolutionary Systems Biology. LinkLink opens in a new window

New Publication (July 2021)

'STRONG: metagenomics strain resolution on assembly graphs' by Quince, C., Nurk, S., Raguideau, S. Soyer OS et al. Genome Biol 22, 214. LinkLink opens in a new window

Pre-Print news (July 2021)

'Novel microbial syntrophies identified by longitudinal metagenomics' by Sebastien Raguideau, Anna Trego, Fred Farrell, Gavin Collins, Christopher Quince, Orkun S Soyer. bioRxiv link

OSS Lab Pre-Print (May 2021)

'Multi-site enzymes as a mechanism for bistability in reaction networks' by Clarmyra Hayes, Elisenda Feliu, Orkun S Soyer. bioRxiv link

Poster Prize (April 2021)

Congratulations to Connah from OSSLab for winning a poster prize at BMC-BAMC 2021Link opens in a new window for his work on upgrading CHASTE for simulations of reaction diffusion systems with cells.

New publication (Nov 2020)

'Scanning ion conductance microscopy reveals differences in the ionic environments of gram positive and negative bacteria' by Kelsey Cremin, Orkun Soyer et al., Anal. ChemLink opens in a new window

New Publication (Nov 2020)

Hadrien Delattre, Kalesh Sasidharan, Orkun Soyer. 'Inhibiting the reproduction of COVID-19-causing SARS-CoV-2 through perturbations in human cell metabolic network'. Life Science Alliance 4(1):Link opens in a new window Published online November 24 2020.

Cancer Research during Lockdown (June 2020)

Featuring our very own Zoe Schofield, see what CRUK scientists have been doing to continue their research during Covid-19 lockdown: Video Link Link opens in a new window

New Publication on bio-electricity (May 2020)

'Bioelectrical understanding and engineering of cell biology' by Zoe Schofield et al., and Orkun Soyer (2020). J. R. Soc Interface 17:20200013Link opens in a new window.

AUTHOREA Pre-Print (May 2020)

Hadrien Delattre, Kalesh Sasidharan, Orkun Soyer. 'Inhibiting the reproduction of COVID-19-causing SARS-CoV-2 through perturbations in human cell metabolic network'. Authorea: May 12, 2020.

April 2020: Paper accepted for publication in J. R. Soc. Interface

'Thermodynamic modelling of synthetic communities predicts minimum free energy requirements for sulfate reduction and methanogenesis' by Hadrien Delattre, Jing Chen, Matthew Wade and Orkun S Soyer.

March 2020: Gorden and Betty Moore Foundation Funding Success

Soyer has been awarded a grant to work as part of a cohort of 15 researchers on the Symbiosis in Aquatic Systems InitiativeLink opens in a new window, which seeks to advance the understanding of aquatic symbioses that include microbial partners. PDRA researchers sought, see open positionsLink opens in a new window for details.

Feb 2020: BEE 2020 open for registrations

Our 3rd workshop on Bioelectricity will take place here at Warwick, 27-28 April 2020. Follow this linkLink opens in a new window for more details.

January 2020: Top editor pick for ISME Journal

Soyer led community paper on microbial communities makes it to Top Editor Picks for 2016-17 at ISME Journal

Link: opens in a new window

December 2019: BEE 2020 'Academic and Industrial Opportunities in BEE'

Our 3rd workshop on Bioelectricity will take place here at Warwick, 27-28 April 2020. Follow this linkLink opens in a new window for more details.

November 2019: New preprint for the Lab

'Thermodynamic modelling of synthetic communities predicts minimum free energy requirements for sulfate reduction and methanogenesis'

Hadrien Delattre, Jing Chen, Matthew Wade and Orkun S Soyer. LinkLink opens in a new window

July 2019: NSF-BBSRC grant success

Soyer gets a new long-term grant to study emergence and evolution of microbial interactions. Funded jointly by NSF and BBSRC, this grant initiates a transatlantic collaboration between the research groups of Soyer and Wenying Shou at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Centre in Seattle, Washington.

June 2019: 2nd BEE meeting

The 2nd of our annual workshops on bioelectricity was a success. Organised by the BioElectrical Engineering Hub, here at Warwick, this workshop focussed on 'electrical cell biology' and has brought together experts from within UK and internationally. Slides from talks are accessible on the BEE HubLink opens in a new window.

Jan 2019: Jing wins best poster prize at the AD colloquia

Jing's poster on 'co-existence of sulphate reducers and methanogens under sulphate perturbation' wins best poster prize at the final research colloquium of the AD network. Details and pictures are at; AD NetworkLink opens in a new window

Nov 2018: Andrea successfully defends her thesis!

Well done Andrea. We wish Andrea all the best in her new role as a bioinformatician at a startup company.

Sept 2018: MicrobeMeter sails out!

MicrobeMeter makes high resolution growth data measurement easy. It now sails off under a new spin-out company Humane Technologies, led by Kalesh. The early version of the device is described in a preprintLink opens in a new window.