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WELL_N Model - Inputs

WELL_N™ for MORPH does not require weather data, however it will automatically make use of rainfall and temperature if it is present in the field. The WELL_N™ dialogs fall into 2 categories.

1) The following dialogs contain property type information on the field. They must all be completed before WELL_N™ will run. If they are not completed then WELL_N™ will prompt you.

Weather Dialog: Enter the average rainfall for your region.

Soil Status: Enter details for the soil in the field.

Previous Crop Debris: Enter information about the previous crop in the field.

Cash Crop: Enter information about the current / future crop in the field.

Method of Estimating N: Enter information regarding the timing of future Nitrogren fertiliser applications.


2) The second category of dialog regards information about events that occur in time. Information about the following events should be given to MORPH whenever they occur.

N Fertiliser Applied:Enter when Nitrogen fertiliser is applied to the field.

Irrigation Applied:When Irrigation is applied to the field.

Soil N Sample:When a soil N sample is taken, the results should be entered into MORPH.

Soil Moisture Deficit:When the soil moisture deficit is known or the drains run, this information should be entered into MORPH.

Crop Sample:When a crop sample is taken, the results should be entered into MORPH.

You must have at least one Soil N Sample event and Soil Moisture deficit event before other events to run the WELL_N™ model. If they are not completed then WELL_N™ will prompt you.