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MA931 - MSc Project (50 CATS)

Module leader: Radu Cimpeanu

Module Aims

This is a core research module for the MSc in Mathematics of Real-World Systems, involving projects from academic supervisors and external partners of the Centre. The module enables students to apply the techniques and skills acquired in the taught component of the MSc to real-world research projects, providing experience and guidance towards the PhD research stage of the degree.


Each student undertakes an individual research project with an external partner or an academic at the University of Warwick, chosen from a list of research project proposals submitted by partners and staff approved by the MathSys CDT. Each project from external partners will have a Warwick-based co-supervisor to ensure appropriate support and guidance during the project. For further information about MSc projects see the projects page.


Full time research project that runs from the beginning of June to mid-September (plans for holidays should be coordinated with the project supervisor and module leader). A detailed timeline and set of key dates are available here.

The project ends with the submission of a written report, followed by an oral presentation in the last week of September.


(1) A written project report (70%) in the style of a research paper, which is assessed by CDT staff taking into account supervisor feedback.

Regarding the formatting and structure, the report should be written as a journal article. Where appropriate the style file of a journal in the field of the research can be used (which journal format is most appropriate should be agreed between student and supervisor), but only in the final print style (do not use double spaced draft or submission styles). If the journal you selected has a page limit, it can be ignored but the report should not exceed 8000 words (common sense should be used if there are a lot of equations). Content-wise the report should be understandable by your fellow students, so the introduction and literature review could be more detailed than in a research paper. There is also a key requirement to contextualise and link the work to the real-world application it is either inspired from or intended for.

Have a look at the report assessment form on the resources page for more details on how the report is assessed.

Submit your report here.

(2) An oral presentation on the project outcomes (30%), which is assessed by CDT staff.

Have a look at the project presentation assessment form on the resources page for more details on how the presentation is assessed.

Submit your presentation here.