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Alexander Holmes

Alex graduated in 2022 with a PhD in Mathematics of Real-World Systems. Alex was supervised by Louise Dyson and Mike Tildesley.

Alex's research included work on stochastic household structured models in the context of the spread of infectious diseases.

Previous Work

'Targeted Treatment for the Eradication of Yaws'

'MSc Project - University of Warwick: June 2018 - September 2018

In this project, I extended work that had previously been carried out to consider the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of various eradication strategies for yaws. This work was carried out under the supervision of Dr. Louise Dyson and Dr. Mike Tildesley.

'Modelling the impact of farmer behaviour on the spread of foot-and-mouth disease in endemic settings'

'MSc Research Study Group - University of Warwick: April 2018 - June 2018

In this research study group, we developed a model that considers the effects of individual level farmer behaviour upon the spread of livestock disease between farms. This work was carried out under the supervision of Dr. Mike Tildesley (M dot J dot Tildesley at warwick dot ac dot uk), and Dr. Nick Lyons (EuFMD & FAO).

'Modelling the Migration of the Trunk Neural Crest in the Developing Embryo'

'MMath Project - University of Warwick: October 2016 - April 2017

In this project I aimed to develop a basic model of cell migration in the trunk neural that would allow us to make predictions about behaviour if certain conditions were then changed, and also to allow us to check the feasibility of experiemntal predictions.

This work was carried out in conjunction with Dr. Louise Dyson (L dot Dyson at warwick dot ac dot uk), and Prof. Paul Kulesa (Stower's Institute for Medical Research)


MSc Mathematics for Real-World Systems Distinction: University of Warwick 2017 - 2018

MMATH Mathematics 1st Class: University of Warwick 2013 - 2017

Teaching Experience

First Year Mathematics Supervisor, 16/17, 17/18, 19/20, 20/21: Bi-weekly sessions with groups of 5 students covering first year core modules including Analysis, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra and differential geometry.

First year Non-Maths Supervisor, 2019: Weekly sessions with groups of 5 students covering first year core Maths & Physics modules including Analysis and Linear Algebra.

Second year Maths Supervisor, 2018: Weekly sessions with groups of 5 students covering second year core mathematics modules, including Analysis, Multivariable Calculus, Complex Analysis and Linear Algebra.

Analysis 1 Class Teacher, 2018, 2019, 2020: Responsible for leading classes of ~30 people for Analysis 1. Responsible for planning lessons, distributing and collecting workbooks, and generally checking that people are keeping up with the module, while providing 'lecture' style content where appropriate due to the lack of lectures for this module.

Geometry and Motion (Non-Maths) TA: TA for Geometry and Motion (for non-maths students) (a module covering introductory differential geometry and multivariable calculus). I am also responsible for marking and returning assignments.

Maths by Computer, 2019, 2020, 2021: TA for Maths by Computer (a module covering basic MATLAB, and examples of using it to assist with problems in mathematics). I was also responsible for the marking of one of the assignments.

Experimental Maths: TA for Experimental Maths (an applied module requiring students to perform experiments, and then work through a booklet to explain mathematical the phenomena they observed). I was responsible for ensuring students could perform the experiments and obtain results, and for marking assignments.

Introduction to Mathematical Biology TA: TA for Introduction to Mathematical Biology (a second year maths module covering an introduction to dynamical systems, systems biology, and mathematical epidemiology).

As mentioned below, I have also volunteered with a warwick volunteers project called Technology Volunteers. We go into primary and secondary schools, and introduce pupils to programming by teaching them how to use Scratch and Arduino.


MA256 - Intro to Systems Biology


Dyson, L., Holmes, A., Li, A., Kulesa, P. M. (2018). A chemotactic model of trunk neural crest cell migration. Genesis

Dyson L, Mooring EQ, Holmes A et al. Insights from quantitative and mathematical modelling on the proposed 2030 goals for Yaws. Gates Open Res 2019

Holmes A, Tildesley MJ, Solomon AW et al. Targeted treatment to inform yaws eradication. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2020.

M.J. Keeling, E. Hill, E. Gorsich, B. Penman, G. Guyver-Fletcher, A. Holmes, T. Leng, H. McKimm, M. Tamborrino, L. Dyson, and M. Tildesley. Predictions of covid-19 dynamics in the UK: short-term forecasting and analysis of potential exit strategies. medRxiv, 2020

Matt J Keeling, Michael J Tildesley, Benjamin D Atkins, Bridget Penman, Emma Southall, Glen Guyver-Fletcher, Alex Holmes, Hector McKimm, Erin E Gorsich, Edward M Hill, Louise Dyson. The impact of school reopening on the spread of COVID-19 in England. medRxiv, 2020.

Matt J Keeling, Louise Dyson, Glen Guyver-Fletcher, Alex Holmes, Malcolm G Semple, ISARIC4C Investigators, Michael J Tildesley, Edward M Hill. Fitting to the UK COVID-19 outbreak, short-term forecasts and estimating the reproductive number. medRxiv, 2020.


IDDconf 2019. Poster presentation. Targeted Treatment for Yaws Eradication. Resources

Hobbies and Interests

Duty Manager - Warwick Student Cinema: February 2015 - Present

Treasurer - Warwick Student Cinema: February 2016 - February 2017

Project Leader - Technology Volunteers: September 2016 - July 2017