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Danielle Varjosalmi

I am a PhD student at the Mathematics for Real-World Systems CDT.

My areas of academic interest include: simulation-based optimisation, machine learning, and game theory. In particular, I am interested in the simulated annealing and Bayesian optimisation algorithms.

Current Work

My ongoing project involves exploring techniques to parallelise the simulated annealing algorithm for implementation in both cloud-based architecture and smaller multicore systems. I focus on efficient parallelisation of runs in which the objective function is discrete, expensive and stochastic.

The project is in collaboration with Lanner, a company that produces simulation software to model complex, stochastic processes. I am supervised by Prof. Juergen Branke (Warwick Business School) and Prof. Robin C. Ball (Physics).

Academic Background

  • Warwick Business School, MSc Business Analytics with Distinction (Top 10%)
  • University of British Columbia, BA Economics
  • University College London, Exchange

Summer Schools:

  • 2019: Gaussian Process and Uncertainty Quantification Summer School (GPSS)
  • 2019: Complex Networks: Dynamics and Control (MathSys and DSSC)

Additional Activities

Reading Groups:

I started and am actively involved in the Bayesian Optimisation Reading Group that meets virtually every Wednesday at 10:30 on MS Teams. We discuss significant optimisation papers, present our latest research, collaborate on relevant projects, and participate in competitions. Our group includes researchers from MathSys, WBS, and international collaborators. See the link above for more information and get in contact to be added to the group!


  • 2020/21: Seminar Tutor for IB9V60 Discrete Event Simulation at WBS

  • 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21: Seminar Tutor for IB2110/IB3200 Simulation at WBS

    Other Positions:

    • 2018 - Present: Centre for Complexity Science Newsletter Editorial Staff
    • 2017 - 2018: Enactus Warwick Consulting Team Leader
    • 2017 - 2018: MSBA SSLC Secretary

    Danielle Varjosalmi

    Contact Details

    Office: D2.05

    Complexity Science,
    Zeeman Building,
    University of Warwick,
    CV4 7AL