About the team
About the team
Aims of the project
Potential benefits
Advisory Board
Project members are: Carole Mockford, Kate Seers, Sophie Staniszewska, Jan Oyebode, Matt Murray, Rosemary Clarke, Rashida Suleman
PI: Carole MockfordSenior Research Fellow,RCNRI, Warwick Medical School, University of WarwickEmail: carole dot mockford at warwick dot ac dot ukSummary:Carole's particular interests are in patient and public involvement (PPI) in health research and patient and carer experiences of services associated with neurological diseases such as motor neurone disease (MND) and dementia, and end of life care. This 2 year study investigated experiences of health and social care service delivery after hospital discharge for people with dementia and their family carers. Service users were involved in all stages of the research. |
Co-I: Kate SeersDirector of the Royal College of Nursing Research InstituteWarwick Medical School, University of WarwickEmail: Kate dot Seers at warwick dot ac dot ukSummary:Kate's research interests include pain and its management, evidence based health care and knowledge translation and complex interventions. Her research in these areas has used quantitative and qualitative systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials, qualitative methodologies and mixed methods. |
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Co-I: Sophie StaniszewskaSenior Research Fellow,RCNRI, Warwick Medical School, University of WarwickEmail: Sophie.Staniszewska@warwick.ac.ukSummary:Sophie Staniszewska leads the Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) and Patient Experiences Programme at the RCN Research Institute, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick. Previously Sophie was Director of Research at the National Centre for Involvement and Director of Graduate Studies in the School of Health and Social Studies. She is a member of the National Quality Board Patient Experiences Sub-group. Sophie has carried out a wide range of studies and has recently completed a scoping study for NICE which developed the Warwick Patient Experiences Framework that informed the NICE Patient Experiences Guidance. |
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Co-I: Jan OyebodeProfessor of Dementia CareBradford Dementia Group, School of Health Studies, University of BradfordEmail: j dot oyebode at bradford dot ac dot ukSummary:Jan's interests are in: Relationships in families where a member has dementia; impact on families, especially young people, where a parent has young onset dementia; fronto-temporal dementia; cultural aspects of dementia; end of life and bereavement; interventions e.g. including cognitive rehabilitation; and bread-making. |
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Co-I: Matt MurrayResearch Engagement ManagerAlzheimer's SocietyEmail: Matt dot Murray at alzheimers dot org dot ukSummary:Matt manages the involvement of people affected by dementia in the Society’s research programme via the Research Network and wider engagement through Friends of Research. This involves ensuring that every aspect of the research programme is informed and improved by people's lived experiences of dementia. Matt was published in the journal Nature in August 2012 arguing that the benefits of bringing people affected by dementia together with researchers works both ways. As the Society’s lead on patient and public involvement in research he also provides specialist advice and input on a number of national and international research projects. |
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Co-I: Rosemary ClarkeUNTRAP (University/User Teaching and Research Action Partnership), Warwick Medical School, University of WarwickSummary:Rosemary was a primary carer for her mother who had dementia. She is a member of the Alzheimer’s Society and active in the Society’s Research Network. She is a member of Dementia UK, under whose umbrella she does most of her work. She writes and speaks on various aspects of her experience. She participates in the selection, training and assessment of professionals and students in the fields of health and social care in a wide variety of contexts. Rosemary sits on various strategy groups, such as Worcestershire Dementia Planning Group. She is on the steering group for the association for Dementia Studies at the University of Worcester. She is a member of the Coventry/Warwick Universities Clinical Psychology training course service user/care advisory group, organised under the umbrella of UNTRAP. |
Co-I: Rashida SulemanUNTRAP (University/User Teaching and Research Action Partnership), Warwick Medical School, University of WarwickSummary:Rashida is a service user and member of UNTRAP (Universities/User Teaching and Research Action Partnership). She has been a main carer for over 20 years to close, elderly, family members, one of whom has dementia. She is also a health care assistant at a dementia assessment unit day hospital. She has been actively involved with UNTRAP for some years. She has also been a carers’ partnership board member for Warwickshire County Council, and has worked on selection committees and strategy groups with Coventry University. |
Admin: Claire NewRCNRI, Health Sciences, Warwick Medical School, University of WarwickEmail: C dot E dot New at warwick dot ac dot ukSummary:Claire is providing adminstrative support to the project. She has worked at the University of Warwick for over 19 years and has recently supported Carole Mockford on a 5 year EU research project. |
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