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Revision Tips

Advice and insight on revision from other students

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Make a realistic plan

Are you a slow and steady learner, or do you cram? Considering the large volume of content, cramming is not feasible. If it is necessary though, create a plan to focus on breadth, areas of weakness, and consider 'tactical losses'.

Repeat the CAI books

Complete as much as possible from memory, whether it's a paper or digital copy. Compare it to your first completion and identify areas that require attention, such as specific topics like vessels, or even a whole Block.

Attend mock OSCEs

Peer Teaching groups and Societies will run mock OSCEs in the run-up to exams. Take advantage, sign up and go! It'll gets you in the right mindset. Plus, we've sat these exams, have scoresheets from prior years, and can give constructive feedback.

Summary videos

Crispin's bite-size videos are a must-watch! He summarises the main points and clinical relevance of a week in less than 15 minutes! Perfect for a quick refresher before revision sessions.

Peer-Swap subjects

If you're a pro with all things pulmonary, but bamboozled by the brachial plexus, help each other out! Being able to explain complex concepts simply shows true understanding, so trade topics with your peers.

Intuition vs Reasoning

Try it for the CAI test stations in Block 5 - record your 'gut-feeling' and 'thought-out' answers, then compare your scores. You may score better in one overall, or just with a particular Block!

End-of-week quizzes

When it's time for revision, do the end of week quizzes and the block formatives twice. Please. Trust me, you won't regret it. - Kaldora

Daily question banks

There are many options, but get in the habit of applying knowledge, not regurgitating isolated facts! PassMed, QuesMed, & Osmosis are helpful for this.

Revision classes - GO

The revision sessions WMS Theme leads deliver during Block 5 are of high value, especially for highlighting core concepts or topics they strongly suggest revisiting.

Schedule breaks!

Don't burn out before the exams. Having 'slump' days are fine, but you'll feel frustrated if they're unintended and affect your study plans. Make sure to schedule regular breaks (and whole days where possible) to minimise this happening.

'Cover' your answer

Get in the habit of 'cover testing' - predict the answer before you see if it's an option within a MCQ. It engages your active recall, and will minimise decision-paralysis when faced with five viable answers.

Remind yourself...

Of why you're here, and why you chose to study medicine. Those 'lightbulb' moments when a concept finally makes sense, feeling inspired by something you learned... There's so many more of those moments waiting!