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A glossary of all the new terminology, plus a quick reference tool for the questions you've asked.

If you're looking for something you've heard about that's not here or in another GuideLink opens in a new window, or have something to add or amend, please leave a comment below, and we'll add it in and get back to you!

J (no definitions) K (no definitions)
X (no definitions) Y (no definitions) Z (no definitions)


Ablution facilities
Ablution facilities

You'll find a comprehensive guide to prayer spaces, ablution facilities, and much more advice on practising the Islamic faith in this Muslim Student's Handbook to Medical SchoolLink opens in a new window, created by WMS students in 2023.

Absence Forms

You must complete these as they're part of the engagement criteria. Find them here for Phase I ('23)Link opens in a new window | Phase II ('22)Link opens in a new window | Phase III ('21)Link opens in a new window | Phase III ('20)Link opens in a new window

If you need to work during a uni day, you should be honest that the reason was to work to afford to stay at WMS! Plus, the form asks how you will make up for lost learning - so be realistic (i.e. a full day missed needs a full day to catch up).

Academic Days
Academic Days

In Phase II & III of the MB ChB, most of your time is spent on placement. So every 2 weeks on a Friday, you return to Gibbet Hill campus for a full day of WMS-based teaching, typically including lectures, workshops, & CBL.

Note: with the Phase II curriculum changes for cohort 2023 and beyond, placement blocks are separated by a few weeks back at WMS. We're not yet sure how this will change the set-up of Academic Days.

Academic Technology
Academic Technology

The systems, equipment, and processes that enable and enhance your learning, and teaching, through fluent and effective use of digital resources.

  • Cath Fenn (MB ChB)
  • Hannah Thein (MB ChB)
  • Richard Clay (PGT, UG & Research)
  • Craig Summerton (PGT, UG & Research)
What do the WMS AcTech team do?
  • Provide support and guidance to academics using technology to enhance and support research, teaching and learning.
  • Identify and assess opportunities offered by technology and provide support and advice on implementation.
  • Promote and support staff and students working together to explore the impacts of digital technology on learning, on learning-teaching relationships, and on health and wellbeing.

If you have any questions about any tech in the learning environment, read more on their page!Link opens in a new window

ACC - Advanced Clinical Cases

The 'Revision Block' in Phase III of the MB ChB course, it's the first few weeks after Winter Break where you consolidate the knowledge and practise the skills you have learnt in a practical clinical context, to prepare for Finals (final exams of MB ChB) and your clinical Assistantship. There's opportunity for time in a range of clinical settings to review common and important clinical cases, plus flexible opportunities for individual learning needs.

Automated External Defibrillator

A portable electronic device used in supportive management of someone experiencing sudden cardiac arrest.

The proper use of this device is taught in the RMD Warwick course.

There are two at Gibbet Hill; check the campus map for their locations.


An external study resource, check out the quick Student-made Guide to them here.


Learning resources and materials for you to complete in your own time.

Typically, they're an online, pre-recorded lecture - located on or via Moodle, maybe linked to an Lt workbook.




For any support with cycling around the University of Warwick - such as routes, incident notifications, or storage - you can join the Teams channel University of Warwick Bicycle User GroupLink opens in a new window.


A 'Block' of learning that Phase I is structured around. There are five, each lasting five weeks;

  1. Health, Metabolism, & Homeostasis [includes your Gastrointestinal system]
  2. Blood, Lungs, & Heart
  3. Brain & Behaviour
  4. Locomotion
  5. Reproduction & Child Health

Read a brief introduction to them in this Student-made Guide.

Basic Life Support

An initial, brief qualification in some simple practical skills, either in or out of hospital.

Taught at your Trust induction, and in the RMD Warwick course.

British Medical Journal

Free access & app via your Warwick account hereLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window. It has step-by-step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, & prevention - good for CBL & presentations.

Bedside Teaching

A learning session on placement with real patients, in all Phases, for you to receive focused feedback.

Typically with your CP (or in Phase I, a randomly allocated peer) and a CEF, you'll visit patients for a chance to practice your consultations and examinations.

From Phase II this includes discussion on Differentials, Investigations, and Management.



Clinical Anatomy & Imaging

A Theme spanning all four years, covering gross anatomy, embryology, neuroanatomy, and medical imaging.

It's delivered via multiple formats;

  • Watch-It tasks are pre-recorded lectures to introduce key areas and concepts, and clarify level of depth).
  • Workbooks, designed as guides through a subject area, via clinical relevance, oversight of workshop content, and clear LO's.
  • Workshops have a few learning opportunities;
    • See-It is your rotations through anatomical specimens (plastinates)
    • Plastic models with weekly mini-quizzes
    • Do-It tasks are creative quick-projects, lovingly crafted by Associate Professor Dr Erin Fillmore
    • Live models (surface anatomy)
    • Medical imaging (also learnt by weekly quizzes, worked on in groups of 3)
    • Tutor guidance of small groups

Theme co-Leads are Dr Erin Fillmore (email hereLink opens in a new window) and Professor Richard Tunstall (email hereLink opens in a new window).


An external study resource recommended by WMS, check out the quick Student-made Guide to them here.

Case Based Learning

The learning method that WMS uses to teach a variety of concepts in one session, designed around a realistic scenario.

The case will always have elements, pathologies and diseases, that you have not learnt about yet as the lectures haven't been released. This is intentional. The purpose of CBL is not about you knowing the answers already. The purpose is the group work, problem-solving, rapid research, communication, delegation - so many other skills!

The Lead for CBL is Dr Louise Davis (email her hereLink opens in a new window).

CBL group
CBL group

8–12 students who work together on a new case twice a week - to 'open' the case, and to 'close' it - guided by a facilitator, who could be a retired GP, member of teaching staff, PhD candidate, or someone with no health or higher education background - they're just interested in what we do (though they have been trained)!

You keep this group for all of Phase 1 before changing. Each session has a voluntary (or volunteered...) Chair, who keeps the group moving forwards and allocates tasks, like reading the slide or researching a new term. You also choose a Scribe, who can keep notes (we suggest a live Google Doc for everyone's accessibility needs) you can refer to during or after the session - though they may prefer to write and draw on the wipe board.

(Some groups have an allocated Snack-Provider each week too - ideally baked, but store-bought is fine too!)

You also have this group for your workshops (which mix two CBL groups), group sessions with your Personal Tutor, and some members will be in your Anatomy and Skills classes. It's a great way to meet and work with people you may not know otherwise; many find housemates, teammates, revision groups, Clinical Partners, and genuine friends from their CBL.

Core Clinical Education

How placements are organised in Phase 2. There are 3 rotations of 10 weeks each, covering Medicine, Surgery, & Specialities (where you experience a different clinical area each week - Anaesthetics, Community, Psychiatry, O&G, etc).

You also have a GP placement in each CCE block - this is a set day every week at a GP practice (you're typically allocated either Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays). These are only for the last 7 weeks of your 10-week placements, & you have a different GP for each CCE block - so 3 different practices over Phase 2.

Clinical Education Fellow

A clinician with a current focus on education. They may be at WMS delivering lectures and other sessions, or hosting BST on placement.

Charging of devices

There isn't a set space to charge your devices or borrow cables.

Currently, students tend to:

  • Post in their WhatsApp group chat, asking if anyone is available with the cable they need
  • Ask at MTC reception to borrow a cable
  • Ask any faculty they know - there's usually someone in the CEF office (MD 1.04/1.05/1.06)

There are plug sockets available in every room, at wall points or in the floor (spot the small square 'trap doors'), and by every PC.

  • Moodle has Checklists to help you keep track of your weekly tasks.
  • We strongly advise you bookmark these pages and follow them!
    • Some weeks are incredibly busy, and it can be difficult to track everything.
  • You can also add your own items to these lists.
    • Outside tasks, or add approximate time required.

A depository of all the textbooks you need, plus thousands of questions to make your own question bank.

How To Guide | ClinicalKey Student Hub | Making your own Question Bank Guide


Clinically Observed Medical Education Tutorial

It simulates OSLERs and you get very good feedback from the CEFs!

Found at: GEH

Community Learning
Community Learning

One of the curriculum Themes, it also forms part of the CS training and PPD Theme, contributing towards person-centred care.

It covers topics such as the MDT, HNA, and in Phase II, Palliative care.

The Theme Lead is Jan Cooper (email her hereLink opens in a new window).

Consolidation week
Consolidation week

A week at the end of each Phase 1 Block with no assigned learning, either classes or asynchronous work. It gives you a chance to catch up on your checklists, review what you've covered, and monitor your progress via a self-assessed, online, formative exam.

Clinical Partner

A student in your cohort that you're partnered with for placements.

You make this agreement before you start full-time placement in CCE1 (January of 2nd year).

For a full guide on making this choice, check it out here.

Course Progress Group

Their aim is to support you to meet the academic and clinical challenges of the MB ChB course, so you can successfully progress. They review your circumstances, and plan how they can best help you manage any barriers.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Clinical Personal Tutor

These clinicians replace your WMS Personal Tutor in Phase II and III, so they provide pastoral, rather than educational, support.

They support your entire new CBL group, and stay with you until you graduate.

They're still full-time doctors, so you may see them on placement!


An external study resource, check out the quick Student-made Guide to them here.

Clinical Sciences Building

Located at UHCW, it hosts most of your workshops and seminars if you're on placement here.

Clinical Skills

A core Theme with weekly sessions in Phase 1, focused upon history taking, communication skills, clinical examination, and practical procedures.

The objective is for WMS graduates to be able to perform these clinical skills safely and effectively by their first post as a junior doctor.

The Theme lead is Professor Vinod Patel (vinod dot patel at warwick dot ac dot uk) and deputy is Lindsay Muscroft (L dot Muscroft dot 1 at warwick dot ac dot uk).

Cell & Tissue Biomedicine

One of the Themes running throughout the curriculum.

It concerns the normal structure, function, and control of the body's cells and tissues, plus the associated microorganisms.

These concepts help you deduce modes, patterns, and causes of cell and tissue injury. Understanding normal function helps you predict the signs and symptoms of malfunction, which then helps you know, and interpret, appropriate investigations to reach a diagnosis and its management.

Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust

One of our clinical placement Trusts, CWPT is a wider network of community services, such as mental health and learning disabilities.

For clinical placement contacts, check the Phase pages.

See the student-made guide for CWPT here.


For any support with cycling around the University of Warwick - such as routes, incident notifications, or storage - you can join the Teams channel University of Warwick Bicycle User GroupLink opens in a new window.



Digital Education Interns
MB ChB Digital Education Interns

The MB ChB Digital Education Interns are a team of MB ChB students who work in collaboration with the MB ChB Education Team on a range of projects aimed at enhancing the quality of MB ChB digital education and improving the student experience.


Deputy Senior Tutor

Members of the Student Support Team who each provide pastoral-support to students in a specific Phase of the MB ChB course. They are in turn supported by the Senior Tutor.




The lecture recording platform used by Warwick University. All asynchronous lecture recordings are stored here, plus live sessions that are eligible to be recorded. Students do not need an account to access the content.


The wifi network on campus.

Some external devices (i.e. Firestick) may be barred from access due to security restrictions.

Login details:

  • Username: your student ID number, i.e. u1234567 (not your whole email)
  • Password: whatever you have set as part of getting your Microsoft / email / PC access
Email signature
Email signature

You'll find this option in Settings of your Outlook window; usually just search for 'Signature'. If you access your emails via separate apps, you'll likely need to replicate the signature in each app.

You should receive an email with the mandatory and advised email signature template. But it's usually something like:

Firstname Lastname
pronouns | Hear my nameLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window

U1234567 | MB ChB | Phase #

any society or network positions
simple badges, links, or alternate contact details

Note: the Digital Education Interns promote accessibility and inclusivity. We hope that our peers will demonstrate these values too by including in their signature the auditory recording of their name, and their pronouns, where an individual feels it is safe for them to do so.

Event Medical, Ambulance & Training Services Group Limited

A pre-hospital care event medicine provider covering marathons, sports matches and competitions, festivals, stadium events, firework & bonfire nights, and more.

European Resuscitation Council



For more information on managing your finances, including course fees, bursaries, grants, budgeting tips, working as a student, read the Student-made Guide on Managing Your Finances here. Information was also provided by WHAMLink opens in a new window (Widening Access to Healthcare And Medicine), ran by WMS students.

Formative (exam or assessment)

An exam or test that does not contribute to your overall grade; they're usually online, and usually self-marked. However, it may be mandatory to complete it, usually with a deadline, so you can meet the engagement criteria for the course.



Geeky Medics
Geeky Medics

An external study resource, check out the quick Student-made Guide to them here.

George Eliot Hospital NHS TrustLink opens in a new window

One of our clinical placements, based at the main hub hospital by Nuneaton (CV10 7DJ), but covers north Warwickshire, south-west Leicestershire, and north Coventry.

They provide a range of elective, non-elective, surgical, medical, women’s, children’s, diagnostic and therapeutic services, plus community services (sexual health, smoking cessation, community dentistry, tuberculosis services, and hosts the Blue Sky Sexual Assault Referral Centre) to more than 300,000 people.

Clinical placement key contacts are on Phase pages.

See the student-made guide for GEH here.


An external study resource, check out the quick Student-made Guide to them here.

  • There are numerous Student-made Guides to help students across the cohorts, including this A-Z.
  • They're available for continuous improvement by various students, and will be reviewed at least annually by students with appropriate internships or committee positions.
  • You can find them all here, including:
Phase I Phase II Phase III Digital Learning Electives Muslim Students Guide to Med School
Pre-learning Clinical Partners SSC2 iPads Assistantship External Study Resources
Study Tips GP Audit Themes Blocks Placements Exams and Resits
How to Revise SSC1 AC1 Finances CCE's NHS E-portfolio


Health Needs Assessment

A systematic process to identify the unmet health needs of a specific population or patient.

In a group of five, you will make presentations on this for Phase I Community Days, as part of the Community Learning Theme.

HWP - Health, Welfare, & ProfessionalismLink opens in a new window

This group meet monthly to discuss any FtP queries or concerns with MB ChB students, or support that students may need due to health conditions or a disability.

If you have a registered disability or health condition, the point is to self-refer and briefly let them know your external or self-management, so you can show you've been transparent as per what the GMC requires. Therefore, if your capability due to your health or disability were ever questioned, you can show that you have notified WMS and have appropriate support in place, though sometimes they may recommend anything else they think is appropriate.

They also discuss matters like misconduct allegations, FtP concerns, and Reasonable Adjustments. For full information, their page is here.

If you're worried about any aspect of the HWP process, you can also speak in confidence to WMS Disability Network, which is run entirely by students.



Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research Building

Predominantly used by the School of Life Sciences, and sometimes WMS. It's the newest building located on Gibbet Hill Campus; often described as the 'big glass building'!

Find an interactive map and floor plans here.Link opens in a new window

ID badges
  • Your ID badges enable you access across campus where student IDs are required, and to course-specific buildings, like the MTC.
    • Is also required for checking out library books and using printing and scanning services.
  • You can collect new ones from Senate House on main campus.
    • The photo you sent for registering is used, until you change this on Tabula and request a new ID.
  • Any issues, email opens in a new window
  • All MB ChB students are loaned an iPad for the duration of their studies.
    • Currently iPad Mini 6th Gen. with Apple Pencil (charge by placing in case holder) and protective case (not screen protector).
  • It must be returned on Assistantship Sign-Off Day as part of graduating.
  • You are not financially liable for any damage or loss, but must notify immediately.
  • You can use your WMS ID, or your personal Apple one - the choice is yours.
    • Buying apps under one account doesn't allow you to share with your other account.
    • And you're welcome to use Find My if you wish.
  • A Student-made Guide on using the iPads, including our Top Tips, is here.
For IT help, contact them by;


Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes

Usually shortened to 'LO's'.

The aims or objectives that are in the handbook for the year; typically they're assigned to a specific asynchronous class, though some are linked to workshops and group work. We'd recommend you structure your learning around these, as exams have to be based upon LO's (it's ideal that lectures are framed around them too, but sometimes it's not that straightforward - so always refer back to the LO's!)

Locker - at MTC

If you'd like a locker at the MTC, located in the walkthrough of the MTC's PC room MD1.02, speak to Caroline at the MTC reception. For a £15 cash refundable deposit, you get a key for as long as you need the locker.

Learning Objectives

LO is the commonly used shorthand.



Map is an interactive map that can give directions to any room or facility you need to find.

Multiple Choice Question

As it says - a question with multiple answers to choose from; in exams it's typically five.

The MB ChB exams use more MCQs than SAQs in Phase I, predominantly MCQs in Phase II, and only MCQs in Phase III.

Multi-Disciplinary Team

The whole team that contributes to patient care. It can involve doctors of all levels and specialities, but also nurses, physiotherapists, dieticians, pharmacists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, psychologists, social workers, advocates, healthcare assistants, and so many more - and, also, the patient and their carers.


The student society representing all students at WMS - MB ChB, UG, PGT, & PGR.

With a few exceptions of societies that have sought independent status, MedSoc are the only society recognised and registered with Warwick SU. All other WMS societies are essentially 'sub-societies' under MedSoc.

For more information on their committee, activities, and contact details, please check their page here.

Mitigating Circumstances
Mitigating Circumstances [MCs]

Exceptional unforeseen short-term circumstances, outside your control, which might have a negative effect on your studies and meeting the engagement criteria, including deadlines and assessments. This includes the late identification of a disability, as often no Reasonable Adjustments have been put in place in time.

If you feel you have MCs, you can ask for these to be considered for summative assessments, deadlines, and non-completion of other engagement criteria.

MCs are dealt with through this University procedureLink opens in a new window and submitted via your TabulaLink opens in a new window - here's a guide on how to declare MCsLink opens in a new window, and here's guidance for students on MCs.Link opens in a new window

You should tell your PT, deputy PT, or CPT of any MCs or Reasonable Adjustment needs early, so they can ensure appropriate support is put in place. They can advise you on writing them, and they also typically write your supporting statementLink opens in a new window.


The main learning platform we use at Warwick, it contains timetables, recorded lectures, announcements, and additional advised resources. Flowchart of its basic structure:

Flowchart of basic moodle structure

Navigating Moodle is a common learning curve too.

We strongly recommend that you Bookmark important pages to your iPad home screen and any other device - especially the weekly checklists! Warwick does not use the Moodle app.

If there are any issues with the content, including accessibility and navigation issues, please email the lecturer responsible, or the Block or Theme lead, or your Phase admin.

Warwick University Guide for Students

*Note* - there is currently a coding issue with Moodle where if you have any form of Dark Mode enabled on your device, it forces Moodle to use Dark Mode too - but it's incomplete, so very difficult to read, and resets to this mode whenever you navigate to a new page. IT are working to solve this, but their current advice is to select the Accessibility options and use High Contrast, making the text yellow.

Medical Sciences Building

The main building located on Gibbet Hill Campus; contains most WMS-staff offices, plus our library and cafeteria.

Find an interactive map and floor plans here.Link opens in a new window

Though on main campus, MSB means Mathematical Sciences Building!

Medical Teaching Centre

The main building for MB ChB students, located on Gibbet Hill Campus.

Find an interactive map and floor plans here.Link opens in a new window

Though the map's room numbers use MD, rather than MTC.



National Institute for Health & Social Care Excellence

NICE guidelinesLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window underpin investigation & management plans across UK healthcare. Refer to these concise, current evidence summaries in CBL & presentations.


An external study resource, check out the quick Student-made Guide to them here.


An external study resource, check out the quick Student-made Guide to them here.



Objective Structured Clinical Examination

A practical assessment of clinical and communication skills.
There's a series of stations, each being focused upon a history-taking consultation, an examination sequence, or a clinical task, such as handwashing or taking manual blood pressure. They typically have additional questions.

Objective Structured Long Examination Record

An assessment of clinical competence; typically longer stations than OSCE's, and of a series in a case, i.e. consultation, examination, explaining an investigation.


An external study resource, check out the quick Student-made Guide to them here.




To find somewhere, the campus map for parking is here.

Register with APCOA to get the appropriate rate for MB ChB students.

On campus or placement, there are a few things to know to get it cheapest, or free. Read the Student-made guide section here.


An external study resource, check out the quick Student-made Guide to them here.

Personal Details
Personal Details

If you want to change any of these, access your e:Vision accountLink opens in a new window.

Amend your name, pronouns, address, demographic data, medical information, emergency contact details, or request a Student Status / Bank letter.

Personal Tutor
Personal Tutor

A member of WMS teaching staff allocated to you and your CBL group for Phase 1. They'll provide you with pastoral support; checking in at least once a term, supporting you with any WMS procedures (like mitigating circumstances) if you need them, and pointing you in the right direction if you have any questions that you're not sure how to figure out.

Personal & Professional Development

One of the curriculum Themes, it concerns managing your own wellbeing, professionalism, how to reflect, teamwork, and the human and environmental factors influencing patient safety.

The Theme Lead is Dr Louise Dunford (email her hereLink opens in a new window).

Pharmacology, Prescribing, & Therapeutics

One of the Themes running through the curriculum, you learn about the many drugs used in healthcare, how they work, how to select and use medications for effective patient management, and how to prescribe accurately and safely.

You learn all of this through online presentations, CBL, and Block or Phase Drugs Lists.

The Theme Lead is Dr Dan Mitchell - email him hereLink opens in a new window, or message him via Teams.

Prayer spaces
Prayer spaces

You'll find a comprehensive guide to prayer spaces, ablution facilities, and much more advice on practising the Islamic faith in this Muslim Student's Handbook to Medical SchoolLink opens in a new window, created by WMS students in 2023.

Presentation list
Presentation List

How your LO's are structured from Phase II.

Taken from the GMCs MLALink opens in a new window, the list consists of symptoms, or presentations, that a patient may see you with, i.e. sore throat, headache.

Each has 5 areas, with 1-3 LO's each. The areas are History, Examination, Differentials, Investigations, and Management.


You can print from our PCs or your own device; access is via your ID card, which you load with credit online.

Printing & Scanning for students | Buy credits & check balance | Printing locations | Scanning documents | Scan to email | Other FAQs

Available in MTC: PC room, & MSB: BioMed Grid, A0.52, A0.10, ICL Suite

Issues? Email


Struggling to word a professional-enough email response? Use goblin.toolsLink opens in a new window - it's Formaliser tool lets you just brain-dump what you're trying to say, choose the 'spicy strength' of rewording you want, and you'll have a much more professional phrasing to use and still get your point across.

Louise Dunford (email hereLink opens in a new window) leads the Personal and Professional Development Theme, and is happy to answer any queries you have.

Progression Requirements
Progression Requirements

To progress to the next year of the course, and in Year 4 to graduate as a doctor and take up a foundation post, you must:

  • Pass all summative assessments.
  • Demonstrate full engagement with the course.
    • By fulfilling the engagement criteria.
  • Demonstrate fitness to practice.

Progression criteria with deadlines for 2022/23 are found here.Link opens in a new window

Personal Tutor

PT is the commonly used shorthand.




An external study resource, check out the quick Student-made Guide to them here.

quiet rooms
Quiet rooms

There is currently no accurate, updated list or guide to available 'quiet' spaces for study or decompression for the Gibbet Hill campus.

If you'd like to help with noting anywhere, there is a live doc available through the Inclusive Education Subgroup (email Emily Roisin ReidLink opens in a new window) or WMS Disability NetworkLink opens in a new window.

Find an interactive map of all of Warwick University, with floor plans, here.Link opens in a new window



Reasonable Adjustments Plan

The changes to your learning experience agreed between Disability Services and yourself, and submitted to WMS, that are intended to accommodate your needs and support your learning.

You must register with and meet Disability ServicesLink opens in a new window or the Mental Health and Wellbeing TeamLink opens in a new window to discuss what support may enable you to engage with the course. Adjustments are considered on an individual basis and in the context of the impact of a disability or learning difference, the Equality Act, and University-wide policies.

Reasonable Adjustments for exams need to be submitted before the deadline (usually 4 weeks before the exam period) set by the MB ChB examinations team - email Melanie StoreyLink opens in a new window for more information.

Resuscitation for Medical Disciplines

A Basic Life Support (BLS), Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) and First Aid course available for free for WMS students.

The course is fully endorsed by the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) and the Resuscitation Council UK, and has been developed in cooperation with RMD Birmingham (where it's ran since 1995!).

Full details on their webpages here.Link opens in a new window



Short Answer Question

As it says - a question where you have to write out the answer. However, it includes any non-MCQ, such as 'On this x-ray, mark where the X is located'.

Pay attention to the marks given:

  • If it asks for one example but gives two marks, it's because you have to very briefly explain or define your answer.
  • If it asks for three examples for three marks, only the first three answers you give will count.
    • Any further answers you write, even if correct (and even if your first three answers are wrong), will be ignored!
Specialist Clinical Placement

How placements are organised in Phase 3. There are 8 rotations, lasting 6 weeks each, covering Acute care, Musculoskeletal health, General Practice, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Child Health, Care of the Medical Patient, Care of the Surgical Patient, & Psychiatry.

Self-Directed Learning

Additional reading or other learning opportunities that support your learning when working towards LO's.

There are recommended textbooks on Moodle that give the appropriate depth and breadth for this.

Social & Population Perspectives

One of the Themes running through the curriculum, it covers topics such as:

  • Social determinants of health
  • Global and national health patterns
  • Health promotion and illness prevention
  • Epidemiology
  • Evidence-based medicine
  • Person-centred care

The Theme co-Leads are Dr Beck Taylor (Soc) (email hereLink opens in a new window) and Dr Deepak Parashar (Pop) (email hereLink opens in a new window).


A wireless screencasting tool to share from your devices to a larger screen - ideal for group work, including CBL.

Student-Staff Liaison Committee

A forum of student representatives and staffLink opens in a new window, who meet quarterly to discuss issues you raise about teaching, learning, and student support. It enables direct feedback on proposals, discussion of new ideas, collaborative problem-solving - all to improve WMS. The Chair is always a student, who you can contact with any questions.

  • MB ChB Chair - Chloe Berg
  • UG Chairs - Arianna McCoy & Maddie Lee
  • PG Chair - Catriona Conway

The SSLC should always be consulted regarding major or significant changes to course structures or content; this enables students and staff to input on departmental updates, so they work for everyone.

Student Status letter
Student Status letter

If you need one for council tax exemption, opening a bank account, or anything else, download one from your e:Vision account here.Link opens in a new window


There are lots of avenues of support available. Check out our Student Support section, which can tell you about the Student Support Team, the SU, Wellbeing & Disability Team, and initiatives by your peers, like the WMS Grief Group and Peer Teaching Network.

This opens in a new window was also created by '23 MedSoc Welfare Officer Grace Fisher, with numerous links to external support services on everything from accommodation to addictions.

Soon we will be adding brief explanations of the various reporting avenues and professional / progression processes, so you can decide how to approach any situation in a way that's right for you.

South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust

Typically meaning Warwick Hospital (CV34 5BW), it has the majority of SWFT's acute services, including Accident and Emergency, Maternity, Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) and Intensive Care.

Check the Warwick Hospital mapLink opens in a new window; for key contacts on placement, check the Phase pages.

See the student-made guide for SWFT here.




An online platform with multiple functions;

  • Holds your Student Profile (identifying information, course details)
  • Records your Reasonable Adjustments for exams.
  • Records your monitoring points ('key' and registered sessions to track attendance).
  • Submission of absence forms.
  • Submission of coursework.
  • Submission for extension requests (for some modules).

Go to Tabula here.

Travel and Dual Accommodation Expenses

Reimbursement of excess costs from travelling to and from placement or accommodation to attend it. Example of what you can claim;

Distance between your home and Gibbet Hill = 2.3 miles, so 4.6 miles daily return.
Distance between your home and placement = 5.1 miles, so 10.2 miles daily return.
10.2 - 4.6 = 5.7 excess miles per day
5.7 x cost-of-travel-method (car = 42p p/mile, cycle = 30p p/mile, passengers = extra 7.5p p/mile) = driving means £2.39 reimbursed per day


A general area or topic that runs through the entire curriculum, covering all Blocks and all Phases. It includes;

  1. Cell & Tissue Biomedicine
  2. Clinical Anatomy & Imaging
  3. Clinical Skills
  4. Pharmacology, Prescribing, & Therapeutics
  5. Social & Population Perspectives
  6. Virtues, Law, & Ethics
  7. Personal & Professional Development
  8. Communications & Lived Experience
  9. Community Learning


University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS TrustLink opens in a new window

One of our clinical placement sites (CV2 2DX), and one of the UK's largest teaching Trusts.

Also has the Hospital of St Cross, in Rugby - together, they serve over a million people.

For clinical placement contacts, check the Phase pages.

See the student-made guide for UHCW here.

University of Warwick
University of Warwick - name origin, as people ask why we weren't named Coventry!

From the University's Art CollectionLink opens in a new window page:

By the start of the 1960s, it was evident that post-war society needed more graduates. Seven new universities were founded between 1961 and 1965. The process was overseen by the University Grants Committee (UGC) who specified that any new campus should have a site of at least 200 acres to facilitate future expansion. The civic leaders of Coventry identified a site on the southern edge of Coventry. Made up of farmland with small woods, it was bounded by Cannon Park, the Kenilworth Road, Kirby Corner Road and the city/county boundary of Gibbet Hill Road.

There was one principal drawback. The site was not large enough. Warwickshire County Council agreed that farmland on the other side of the county boundary could be incorporated into the site to offer the necessary 200 acres. The Bishop of Coventry was tasked with naming the university. He decided on the University of Warwick, arguing that Coventry would probably see most economic benefit, so Warwickshire should gain some of the prestige. He may also have been influenced by the names of the other six universities: Essex, Kent, Lancaster, Norfolk (East Anglia), Sussex and York, which recall the names of the knights in Shakespeare's history plays. Together with Warwick, the group became known as the Shakespeare Seven.



Values, Law, and Ethics

A Theme running through the whole curriculum, it covers the need for doctors to take a values- and evidence-based approach to medical practice; working ethically, and within the law, is an integral part of what it means to be a doctor.

The Theme Lead, overall and for Phase I, is Dr Greg Moorlock (email him hereLink opens in a new window).

Phase II Lead is Professor Heather Draper (email her hereLink opens in a new window), and for Phase III it's Professor Anne Slowther (email her hereLink opens in a new window).



Water fountains
Water fountains


  • MTC
    • Common Room kitchen - MD1.01A
    • Ground floor kitchen next to MD0.13
  • MSB
    • At the very back left of the Cafe
    • Ground floor of PG Hub region, outside of A0.46
  • IBRB

On campus, we use Eduroam. Login details:

Username: your student ID number, i.e. u1234567 (not your whole email)

Password: whatever you have set as part of getting your Microsoft / email / PC access

Working as a student

See our student-made guide to finances - including working - here.
