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Phase 2 Guide

Phase II encompasses your transition from pre-clinical, to clinical learning

The curriculum schedule looks different for the 2023 cohort onwards, so in summary;

  • You return to a few weeks of WMS-based AC1 classes in mid-August, and start your SSC1
  • You'll then have 10 weeks on placement - CCE1 - before the Winter Break
  • January starts with completing AC1 WMS-based classes, and completing SSC1
  • You'll then repeat with clinical placement CCE2, a few weeks at WMS, CCE3...
  • Then a couple of weeks of WMS classes, ready for your OSCE
  • Then a month of revision for your written exams!

Advanced Cases 1 (AC1)

AC1 is a 10-week block, split into two by a consolidation week after week 5.

During week one, you will meet your new CBL group and Clinical Personal Tutor (CPT) who is based at a hospital.

Each week, you will be exploring different themes, with the weekly CBL case being linked to the theme.

Click here to find out more about AC1

Student Selected Components (SSC)

SSC1 is your opportunity to develop an interest in a field that you are interested in exploring during your career.

You will have the opportunity to choose one of the 16 block options available.

Click here to find out more about SSC1

Core Clinical Education (CCE)

During CCE you will be taking increased responsibility for your own learning, identifying and monitoring your own learning needs with the help of your student colleagues and faculty team.

You will have exposure to Medicine, Surgery and Specialties blocks (including Anaesthetics, Psychiatry, Child Health, Obstetrics & Gynaecology) and General Practice. The emphasis is on developing core clinical skills in history taking, examination, investigations and initial / basic patient management.

Click here to find out more about CCE

Clinical Partnership

You will be with your clinical partner (CP) a lot during placement. Therefore, it has been advised to choose someone that you don't live with or have a relationship with!

The plan is that you stay together until you graduate.

Click here for FAQs about clinical partnerships

Clinical Audit

As part of your GP placement, you will be asked to conduct a clinical audit.

Click here to find out more about the GP clinical audit

NHS ePortfolio

The NHS E-portfolio is where you document your learning during AC1 and 3 CCE blocks. In year 2, there are numerous supervised learning events (SLEs) such as bedside teaching, OSLER or mini-cex. You have document your SLEs including your own reflection and your supervisor's feedback on the NHS e-portfolio. These SLEs are part of the engagement criteria so they are mandatory. This is a great experience to document your learning as it is something we will be doing a lot during our training as doctors.

Click here to find out more about the NHS eportfolio

Student Selected Component 2

In Year Three, you have an eight-week period where you will have an opportunity to select an area for in-depth enquiry. Depending on your interest, you could link your area of interest with the SSC option you chose in Year Two.

This section is underdevelopment, more details coming soon...

Click here to find out more about SSC2

Advice from Previous Students

Whereas the first year is highly structured in its timetabling, second year is far more independently motivated. While this enables more flexibility in your approach and managing your time, this comes with greater responsibility and accountability.

You are given generic learning outcomes to research on your own.

Notes should be applied to patients you approach yourself and seek permission from in primary and secondary care.

Click here to find out more about what previous students have to say about Phase 2


Here are some resources to help you pass your Phase 2 Exams!

Click here to find out more about phase 2 resources

With special thanks to:

  • Carmen Chung and Chloe Berg (2020 cohort) for the updates in 2023.
  • Jessica Sinyor and Marcus Thevarajan (2021 cohort) for the updates in 2022.
  • Mahmuud Mohamed, Abayomi Olaifa, Michael Wiles, Sophie Marsh and Charlotte Clearly (2019 & 2020 cohorts) for leading the original Phase 2 student guide.