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Deadlines etc.

1. IAMBEC students to submit all work to Dr C. Groves.

2. MOAC students to submit all work to Monica Lucena.

3. Deadlines are serious. −1%/hour late; −5%/day late unless written extension from course leader co-signed by AR.

4. Any text directly cut and pasted from the internet or any online or electronic source will be automatically regarded as plagiarism. In cases where a particular phrase is reproduced directly from a published source (of any type), then the source should be referenced in full, at the point at which it is quoted. Furthermore, the amount of directly reproduced phrases should be minimal and limited to what is essential to support the arguments presented in the dissertation. In any case the total amount of directly reproduced (and referenced) phrases should not exceed 5% of the full piece of work. Complex diagrams, which would otherwise be difficult to reproduce, may be taken from a published source provided that the source is directly referenced and the appropriate reproduction permission has been achieved, if required.

5. Laboratory reports are due in 1 week after the Laboratory session or 3 days before the final examination, whichever is the sooner.

6. Workshop problems are due in within 5 days of the conclusion of the workshop.

7. Oral examination (with one hour written work before hand, to be submitted at the oral) will take place on Weds 13th December 2006.

8. You may take up to one A4 page of handwritten notes only into the examinations.