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Warwick Workshop in Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy of Proteins and Nucleic Acids 2007

3-6 December 2007 (TBC)

To include UK CD Users Meeting

Where: Department of Chemistry & MOAC Doctoral Training Centre, University of Warwick, Coventry (directions)

Course coordinators: Alison Rodger, Bonnie Wallace, Bob Janes, Nick Price, Sharon Kelly.

Purpose of "summer" school: To train researchers in use of circular dichroism (CD) for the structural characterisation of biomacromolecules in solution (part 1) and to show state of the art applications (part 2).

What: 1. Morning lectures and afternoon implementation of lecture material via practical sessions. Principles of CD; practicalities of CD; globular proteins; membrane proteins; nucleic acids; sample preparation; web resources; structure analysis; time resolved CD; IR absorbance and CD; applications. 2. Participate in UK CD users meeting.

Who: Postgraduate students and PDRAs. Academic staff and industrial participants welcome if places are available. Maximum 20 participants.

When: 11 am Monday 3th − Thursday 4.00 pm 6th December 2007 (TBC).

What to bring: A 3 to 5 minute talk (on overheads! or pre-emailed to outlining your research interests; samples if desired; other things.

PhD and PDRA costs: Application fee of £75 for PhD students and PDRAs covers workshop costs, refeshments during the day. The fee will be refunded if your application is unsuccessful (places are limited).

Non PhD/PDRA applicants: course fee is £260.