Howard Lightfoot
PhD project
Predicting Membership in Regulatory Protein Complexes
- Supervised by Dr. Sascha Ott (Systems Biology) and Dr. Gyanendra Tripathi (Clinical Sciences Research Institute).
We aim to use protein-protein interaction data to predict membership of regulatory complexes that bind to DNA.
- Advisory Committee: Prof. Sudhesh Kumar (Warwick Medical School), Prof. David Wild (Systems Biology) and Dr. David Grainger (Biological Sciences).
MOAC mini-projects
- Janus particles as building blocks for supra-colloidal structures. Supervised by Stefan Bon (Chemistry).
- Evolution of Msx1 gene regulation. Supervised by Prof. Georgy Koentges (Systems Biology).
- A bayesian approach to biological information retrieval. Supervised by Prof. David Wild (Systems Biology).
Previous Education
- BSc Economics. University of Bath, 1996.
- MSc Bioinformatics. Birkbeck College, University of London, 2006.
- MSc Mathematical Biology and Biophysical Chemistry, University of Warwick, 2007.