Submitting data to ncbi
There are a number of different pages that describe the process, with subtle variant of the information.
- An overview of the process. Submit to GEO, and they do the necessary conversion
- Another overview of the same process
- Another overview of the same process
For this process a login is needed, except that the ncbi website seems to be divided into separate areas, and separate logins are needed for each of the areas
After creation of the login, you are given the following instructions:
1. Logon to:
2. Enter your login name.
3. Make sure that "Show details" checkbox is checked.
4. Enter (or copy and paste) the new password (supplied above) to access your account.
5. Once your details are displayed, change the password to one of your choice.
However, if you have not created a top level login, this takes you to a screen where you have to login again. It then turns out that there is a separate GEO login which has to be created. Once it has been created, your GEO account can be viewed at: