- Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, San Francisco, 15/02/14 - 19/02/14. Poster.
- DPG Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section, Dresden, 30/03/14 - 04/04/14.
- Midlands Biophysics Network Symposium, University of Birmingham, 18/12/13. Talk and poster.
- Annual Symposium of the Protein Society, Boston, 20/07/13 - 23/07/13. Poster.
- Joint CDT Conference, Imperial College London, 13/06/13 - 14/06/13.
- MOAC Conference, Coalbrookdale, 28/06/13 - 31/06/13. Poster.
- Protein Dynamics and Function Conference, Durham University, 15/04/13 - 17/04/13. Poster.
- DPG (German Physical Society) Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section, University of Regensburg, Germany, 10/03/13 - 15/03/13. Poster (x 2).
- Life Sciences Postgraduate Symposium, Univeristy of Warwick, 18/03/13 - 21/03/13. Talk.
- Life Sciences Postgraduate Symposium, University of Warwick, 26/03/12 - 28/03/12. Poster.
- Midlands Biophysics Network Symposium, Aston University, 18/04/12. Talk.
- Inter-DTC Conference, (co-organiser), University of Warwick, 18/05/12 - 19/05/12. Talk.
- MOAC Conference, Ravenstor, 24/07/12 - 27/07/12.
- IUMB & FEBS Conference, Seville, 03/09/12 - 09/09/12. Poster.
- IOP meeting on "Modelling complex systems in biology, medicine and physiology", University of Manchester, 12/12/12. Talk.
- Oxford University SIAM Student Chapter Conference, Oxford University, 09/02/11. Poster.
- India-UK workshop on "Trends in protein biophysics: from in silico molecules to in vivo and vitro proteins" (co-organiser), University of Warwick, 17/05/11 - 18/05/11. Poster.
- Inter-DTC Conference, Imperial College London, 19/05/11 - 20/05/11. Poster.
- MOAC Conference, Arnside, 13/07/11 - 16/07/11. Poster.
- CMMP11 (Condensed Matter and Material Physics), Manchester, 13/12/11 - 16/12/11. Poster.
- Inter-DTC Conference, University of Warwick, 12/04/10 - 13/04/10.
- MOAC Conference, Arnside, 19/05/10 - 22/05/10. Poster and talk.
- CMMP10 (Condensed Matter and Material Physics), University of Warwick, 14/12/10 - 16/12/10. Poster and conferences proceedings paper.