Lucy Ternent
Academic Background
2014 - Present: PhD, University Of Warwick
"Investigating the Role of 3D Chromosome Interactions in Transcriptional Noise"
Supervisors: Dr. Bärbel Finkenstädt (Statistics) and Dr. Daniel Hebenstreit (School of Life Sciences)
2013 - 2014 : MSc: Mathematical Biology and Biophysical Chemistry (Distinction), MOAC, University of Warwick
Miniproject 1 (Experimental Biology): "Experimental Analysis of mRNA Transcriptional Dynamics"
Supervisor: Dr. Daniel Hebenstreit
Miniproject 2 (Biophysical Chemistry): "Heparin Stabilised Magnetic Nanoparticles as Potential MRI Contrast Agents"
Supervisor: Dr. Gemma-Louise Davies
Winner of the MSc poster prize at the MOAC Annual Conference, 2014 for my work on this project.
Miniproject 3 (Theoretical): "A Bayesian Approach to Inferring the Parameters of the Two-State Gene Model from Single-Molecule mRNA FISH Data"
Supervisor: Dr. Daniel Hebenstreit
2012 - 2013: MSc: Mathematics and Computing in Biology and Medicine (Distinction), University of Birmingham
Dissertation title: "A Mathematical Model of Potential Treatment Strategies Aimed at Combating the Emergence of In-Host Antibiotic Resistance"
This project used mathematical techniques to model the emergence of in-host antibiotic resistance and investigate the possibility of targeting bacterial virulence in order to overcome this problem. Specifically, anti-adhesive therapy, based on principles of competitive inhibition, was modelled and analysed, demonstrating its potential as an effective prophylaxis against antibiotic resistant bacteria.
2007 - 2010: BSc (Hons): Mathematics (Upper Second Class), University of Leeds
University of Warwick
Email: l dot ternent at warwick dot ac dot uk