Student Support
The information below is taken directly from the Student Support webpages. The personal tutor for the MOAC MSc students is Nikola Chmel, the personal tutor for the PhD 2010 cohort is Jozef Lewandowski and, for the remaining PhD cohorts, the personal tutor is Alison Rodger.
Personal tutoring and support for students
The University of Warwick is committed to providing a supportive and positive environment for all members of its community and a high-quality student experience.
We recognise that there will be times in everybody's university life when things do not go as well as you would wish. In times like these, it's important to know that there is a comprehensive support and welfare structure available to help with all kinds of different problems.
The information accessible on, and from, this web page outlines the support services available to Warwick students. There may be more than one option available, so please use the information on this page, as well as the individual service websites, to help you decide the best place for you to go.
Support within your department - Personal Tutors
A personal tutor is an academic member of staff, assigned to each student on arrival at Warwick, who will act as the initial point of contact for discussion of academic and pastoral matters throughout a student's undergraduate and postgraduate career.
The Personal Tutor system at the University of Warwick is a vital and central part of campus life. Personal tutors and research supervisors, working in conjunction with the wide range of services available to students, are expected to provide such support, advice and guidance to students as may be necessary or appropriate to enable them to gain the most from their studies at the University.
Details on how the personal tutor system at Warwick should operate are outlined in the Personal Tutor Guidelines.
We recommend that you consult these guidelines, as they represent the university's official policy on personal tutoring. The following extract summarises the roles of the key figures in the university's personal tutoring system:
The role of the Personal Tutor, who will be a member of academic staff, is:
- To assist students with the process of induction and orientation into University life and to retain an interest in their personal and academic development throughout their academic careers;
- To provide academic advice to personal tutees on their progress and development;
- To respond as promptly as possible to requests for help and advice about pastoral/non-academic matters insofar as s/he is competent to do so;
- To signpost and refer students on to professional University support services for further assistance if necessary;
- To signpost students to relevant careers/skills provision;
- To act as the student's advocate when advocacy is needed.
- To act as a possible referee
- To keep a record of discussions and any agreed follow-up actions
The role of the Personal Tutee is:
- To be responsible for their own academic development and achievement by contributing positively to a productive working relationship with the personal tutor;
- To attend all arranged meetings and respond promptly to communications from their department;
- To inform their personal tutor promptly of any factors that might be impacting significantly on their ability to meet the requirements of their course, it being understood that personal tutors cannot advise and support students if they are unaware of such factors and that personal tutors are required to treat all information disclosed confidentially and to disclose to a third party only by agreement with the student;
- To be an active engaged member of their departmental academic community.
Who is my personal tutor/supervisor?
Departments are required to post lists of personal tutors on noticeboards and online. If you have a query about who your personal tutor is, you should contact the departmental secretary/administrator/undergraduate office for further information.
When should I see my personal tutor/supervisor?
- If you want feedback on your general academic progress.
- If you have enquiries about course regulations, e.g. choice of module options, understanding degree classification conventions
- If you are concerned about any issues you feel may be impacting on your ability to do your academic work effectively
- If you want advice on how to access specialist support e.g. on mental health, disability support, financial matters, study skills, career planning
What is the role of the Department Senior Tutor?
The role of the Department Senior Tutor, who will be an experienced member of academic staff, is:
- To be responsible for the effective operation of the personal tutor system in their department, including making sure that students know who their personal tutor is;
- To post personal tutor lists on the department's website;
- To provide support and guidance to students if the personal tutor is unavailable;
- To facilitate a change of personal tutor if requested by a personal tutee
- To provide support and guidance to members of academic staff who are personal tutors;
- To consult with the Dean of Students about possible changes to the operation of personal tutoring in their department.
Other University support
As well as the Personal Tutor system, the University provides a comprehensive support network of specialised services. Each of the below services can be accessed via the Wellbeing Support Services website.
Wellbeing Support Services
- provide a range of services that can help you to develop the personal resources and skills you need to navigate the challenges and opportunities of student life
They offer support in a variety of ways.
First step: A brief consultation to help you identify next steps and decide on the type of support you may need such as:
- Self-help resources
- Workshops
- One-to-one appointments
- Psychological interventions
- Email counselling
- Therapy groups
- Mentoring
Their teams are ready to work with you:
The Wellbeing Support Team offers practical advice and emotional support for your wellbeing and help accessing other services.
The Disability Team offers support to manage the impact of a disability, including specific learning differences, mental health, autism spectrum and long term medical conditions.
The Counselling and Psychology Interventions Team offers a range of therapeutic interventions for students experiencing emotional or psychological issues.
If you would like to contact Wellbeing Support Services, please visit the Wellbeing Portal -
Office hours Mon-Fri 8.30am - 5pm (Fri until 4pm).
Brief consultations (available Mon-Fri 10am - 3pm).
Location: Senate House, ground floor
Tel: 024 7657 5570
The Dean of Students Office (and Faculty Senior Tutors)
- promotes the academic welfare of students
The Dean of Students is an academic member of staff whom you can turn to in confidence for support regarding difficulties with your studies e.g. changing course, withdrawing, appeals, difficulties with your department etc.
She is responsible for the personal tutor system.
Email: seniortutor at warwick dot ac dot uk
Tel: 024 7652 2761
The Residential Life Team
- work and live alongside students in halls of residence
The Residential Life Team works and lives alongside students in halls of residence and are a key part of the University’s welfare and support network. Contact your resident tutor in hall, if you have any difficulties or queries (from homesickness to accommodation problems, or anything else). If they cannot help you, they will refer you to someone else. If you do not live on campus, you can contact Wellbeing Support Services (as above).
Health Centre - an NHS doctors' surgery on the University campus
- providing primary health care GP services to registered patients
Students registered with the Health Centre can make contact if they require a consultation with a doctor or nurse, an emergency appointment, emergency contraception, vaccinations or advice on vaccinations, or sickness certification.
Location: Health Centre Road - main campus
Tel: 024 7771 0998
The Chaplaincy
- provides pastoral and spiritual care to all members of the University community, of all faiths and none
The Chaplaincy is the focus of Spiritual life on campus; it provides a meeting place for Christian, Jewish and Muslim prayer and worship. It is a focal point for different faith groups and student societies and offers a safe, supportive space at the centre of campus where people can “learn to live well together”. Students of all faiths and none can come and find a friendly place to chat and eat. A chapel, three kitchens, meeting rooms and an Islamic prayer hall make the Chaplaincy an inclusive, spiritual and social space that welcomes the whole University community.
Location: Main campus
Email: chaplaincy at warwick dot ac dot uk
Tel: 024 7652 3519
The Students' Union Advice Centre
- provides an independent, free and confidential service for all Warwick students, offering information, advice and representation
Visit the Student Advice Centre if you have a housing problem (off or on-campus; University or private), have academic problems and difficulties such as exams, wrong course, appeals and complaints, have immigration problems - such as entry clearance, family members and working, have money, debt and legal difficulties, or are not sure who to talk to or where to get help.
Location: Main campus - SUHQ
Email: advice at warwicksu dot com
Tel: 024 7657 2824
Student Funding
- offers advice and guidance on all aspects of financial support
Visit Student Funding if you want to know what financial support you may be entitled to, want to know more about the scholarships and bursaries, are having difficulty paying for your day-to-day living expenses, or have additional financial needs because you are caring for a child or have a disability.
Location: Senate House
Email: studentfunding at warwick dot ac dot uk
Tel: 024 7615 0096
Campus Security
- Working to provide a safe, secure and friendly environment for students, staff and visitors to the campus
The Campus Security team works 24 hours a day to support the University's overall aims by ensuring there is a safe, secure and friendly environment for students, staff and visitors.
Location: Campus Security Control Centre - staffed 24/7
Email: security at warwick dot ac dot uk
Tel: 024 7652 2083
The International Student Office
- supports EU and international students both before and during their stay at Warwick
They are able to assist with immigration advice (on issues including visa extensions, working, dependant visas, travel visas etc), practical support (police registration, banking, bringing your family to the UK) and enhancing your student experience (induction events, social trips etc).
Location: University House, first floor
Email: global dot reception at warwick dot ac dot uk
Tel: 024 7652 3706
External Services
You might also find it helpful to access support from external agencies.
If you can't find the information you need, contact wellbeing at warwick dot ac dot uk or tel: 024 7657 5570.
If you require out-of-hours emergency support, please contact Campus Security on 024 7652 2222 or internal extension 22222.