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Microscopy and Imaging (CH922)

Module information

Aim: To introduce students from a range of different backgrounds to the latest techniques for high resolution bioimaging and image processing. In each case, a comprehensive understanding of a microscopy technique will be motivated by the theory of how an image is formed in the instrument and what determines its resolution and quality. A practical on image processing will range from everyday tasks that students encounter when working with images of different sources to more advanced techniques of quantitative imaging.

At the end of the module, the students will be able to assess the relative merits of the various microscopy techniques and understand the advantages and limitations of each. They will have acquired a solid background to independently solve more complex image processing problems and rigorously assess the quality of images in scientific publications.

Syllabus: The focus is on high resolution techniques (spatial and time) capable of providing new insights into the structure and function of biomolecules and biomolecular assemblies (artificial systems and living cells). Recent advances in powerful new microscopy techniques will receive particular attention. Parallelisation and high throughput analysis and the underlying principles will be taught. For each technique considered, basic principles and theory, instrumentation, experimental considerations and sample preparation will be covered. (The structure of the course is designed in a modular way such that it is possible for other researchers to attend specific parts.)  Topics will include:
  • Light microscopy: Principles of light microscopy with an emphasis on fluorescence and confocal microscopy. Novel super-resolution techniques. Time-series and high-throughput techniques
  • Image Processing: 6 units starting with a 1h introduction followed by a 2h practical: Introduction to digital image processing with ImageJ, Convolutions and filtering, Working with colour images, Working with time-series, Filtering in frequency space, Deconvolution
  • Atomic force microscopy (AFM): Intermolecular forces, imaging techniques (contact versus tapping mode), force curve analysis: ligand-receptor binding, elasticity measurements
  • Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM): Atomic level imaging, scanning tunnelling spectroscopy (STS) and conductivity measurements, electrochemical STM.
  • Electrochemical Scanned Probe Microscopy (Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) and Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy (SICM): Theory of transport and diffusion phenomena , imaging, probing surface reactivity (e.g. immobilised enzyme kinetics, membrane transport, lateral diffusion in membranes), ion channel activity, smart patch clamping., signalling in cell assemblies.
  • Cryo electron microscopy: Review of electron microscopy, advantages, disadvantages, applications.

Illustrative Bibliography:

  1. Atomic Force Microscopy for Biologists, VJ Morris, AR Kirby, AP Gunning, Imperial College Press. 
  2. Scanning Probe Microscopy and Spectroscopy: Theory, Techniques, and Applications, D Bonnell, Wiley-VCH.
  3. Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, CJR Sheppard, DM Hotton, D Shotton, Springer-Verlag.
  4. Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy, AJ Bard and MV Mirkin, Marcel Dekker
  5. The Image Processing Handbook, John C. Russ, CRC Press
  6. Handbook of biological confocal microscopy. 3rd edition. James Pawley (Editor). Springer, 2006.



Lecture Notes

Lecture notes are available to students on the current course. Please understand that these are made available on the understanding that they will be used only for the purpose of personal study. They should not be distributed to anyone else or made public in any other way.


The Electrochemisty group hosts this MOAC/IAMBEC teaching page, and have a wealth of information on their Research Pages covering scanning probe techniques like AFM, SECM, ...

CH922 is taught by:


Tony Shmygol

(Module Leader)


Till Bretschneider 

Julie Macpherson


Pat Unwin

Corrine Smith

Jeremy Sloan 

Nanotubes (AFM)

Dentine (SECM)

Confocal Microscopy