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Cheltenham Science Festival 2015: Six days. Infinite curiosity.

We'll be shining the light on Science at The Cheltenham Science Festival from 2-7 June.

Join us for interactive workshops, informal drop ins, and Ideas Café events at the Warwick What If? Zone and discover a different theme every day, from big data to robotics, psychology to hacking.

Some of our events for schools are still taking bookings. To book your place follow the links below.

Harnessing The Power Of The Sun

Can we build better structures in three dimensions to gather sunlight? This workshop explores how we can use sunlight to power our homes by installing solar panels.

Life Beyond Planet Earth

What if we couldn’t live on land? Let’s work together to see how we’d cope in such dramatic circumstances.

Mighty Magnets

What if you could conduct electricity forever without the need for a battery? Find out more about the marvels of magnetism with our experts. 

Full Cheltenham Schools programme