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The First Post-Kepler Brightness Dips of KIC 8462852

CEH member James McCormac coordinated the efforts of a team of astronomers from the CEH as they contributed to observations of the unique variable star KIC 8462852.

This paper was published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 853, Issue 1, article id. L8

Open access link: arXiv

CEH members involved: James McCormac, David Armstrong, David Brown, John Dolan, Emma Foxell, Kristine Lam, Hugh Osborn & Don Pollacco

Enceladus' sub-surface ocean

Data from NASA's Cassini satellite has shown that Saturn's moon Enceladus harbours a sub-surface, salty ocean. After multiple flybys of Saturn's moon Enceladus, including one that passed through the plume of material being ejected from the moon, the various instruments on Cassini have given NASA enough information to confidently claim the existence of this ocean, and to speculate that there may even be hydothermal vents on the ocean's floor.

Wed 26 Apr 2017, 11:26 | Tags: news, Habitability, publication, Saturn, ocean, NASA, Cassini, Enceladus, Europa

Habitability and Inhabitance

A new paper published today provides a new viewpoint on the habitability of planets, and its codependence on inhabitance of those same planets. The presence of life influences the habitability of a planet, through its effect on the composition of the planet's atmosphere.

Fri 04 Mar 2016, 15:00 | Tags: preprint, Habitability, publication, Inhabitance

Longevity of habitable conditions

An intriguing paper published on the ArXiv preprint server today discusses the length of time for which planets are habitable, and the implications for SETI experiments.

Wed 20 Jan 2016, 13:44 | Tags: preprint, news, Habitability, publication, SETI

Life in unusual cosmic locations?

A paper published on the astronomy preprint server last week investigates whether life could develop and survive in globular clusters. These stellar environments are often ignored as potential cradles of civilisation, but this study shows that they could have more potential than previously thought.

Mon 18 Jan 2016, 10:59 | Tags: preprint, Habitability, publication

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