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Anthony Knight

Current research

I am developing a Quantitative Systems Pharmacology approach to understand the kinetics underlying GPCR activation. Using both experimental and mathematical techniques I hope to understand how ligands influence various GPCR-G protein interactions. This approach can be applied to a range of GPCRs to better understand and avoid off-target drug interactions.

Research interests

  • GPCR pharmacology

  • Quantitative systems pharmacology

  • Cell signalling

  • Human health and disease

Research experience


Previous research

Current research

  • "A Systems Pharmacology Approach to the Adenosine A1 Receptor" - PhD Thesis

  • Novel adenosine receptor fluorescent agonist development and screening


2011-2014 University of Warwick

PhD Systems Biology

Thesis title - "A Systems Pharmacology Approach to the Adenosine A1 Receptor".

2010-2011 University of Warwick

MSc Systems Biology (Distinction)

2006-2010 Cardiff University

BSc (Hons) Biochemistry (Sandwich course)

Publications, conferences and abstracts

  • "A Systems Pharmacology Approach to GPCRs". ID2 Oxford. July 2014. Poster prize awarded

  • "Computational modelling to aid drug discovery in GPCRs". BPS Pharmacology 2013, London. December 2013.
  • "A Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Approach to the Adenosine A1 Receptor". Molecular Pharmacology of G Protein-Coupled Receptors Meeting, Monash. December 2012.

  • "Modelling the Pharmacodynamics of the Adenosine A1 Receptor". 4th BPS Focused Meeting on Cell Signalling, Leicester. April 2012.

  • "Modelling the Pharmacokinetics of the Adenosine A1 Receptor". Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, Calgary. February 2012.

  • "Investigating Cell-To-Cell Variation in a Heterogenous Population Using Multiple Fluorescent Reporters". Annual Warwick Systems Biology Conference, Stratford. July 2011.

Teaching and public engagement activity

2015 - Arden Tutoring - GCSE and A-Level Science and Mathematics

2014 - IGGY Student Mentor

2014 - Realising Opportunities Widening Participation Scheme

2013 - The Big Bang Fair West Midlands

2013 - Interdisciplinery Biomedical Research (IBR) PhD

2012 - Systems Biology MSc

2011 - Higher Education Access Programme for Schools (HEAPS) programme




Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre

Top Floor

Senate House

University of Warwick



Research funded by the EPSRC via the Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre.